How to use the Vector3 function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.Vector3 code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
three.Vector3 is a class in the Three.js library that represents a 3D vector with x, y, and z components.
GitHub: webaverse/app
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rootBone.updateMatrixWorld(true); const fbxScale = 100; const rootY = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(rootBone.matrixWorld).divideScalar(fbxScale).y; const leftFootY = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(leftFootBone.matrixWorld).divideScalar(fbxScale).y; const rightFootY = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(rightFootBone.matrixWorld).divideScalar(fbxScale).y; const leftFootYDelta = leftFootY - rootY; const rightFootYDelta = rightFootY - rootY;
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GitHub: K3D-tools/K3D-jupyter

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1, ).translate(0, -0.1 * headSize, 0); for (i = 0; i < vectors.length; i += 3) { origin = new THREE.Vector3(origins[i], origins[i + 1], origins[i + 2]); destination = new THREE.Vector3(vectors[i], vectors[i + 1], vectors[i + 2]).add(origin); heads = generateArrow( useHead ? singleConeGeometry : null, lineVertices,
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How does three.Vector3 work?
three.Vector3 is a class in the Three.js library that represents a 3D vector with x, y, and z components. When you create a new three.Vector3 object, you can optionally pass in values for the x, y, and z components. If you don't provide any values, the vector is initialized with all components set to 0. three.Vector3 provides a variety of methods for performing operations on vectors, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and normalizing vectors. You can also access and set the components of a vector directly using properties like x, y, and z. One common use case for three.Vector3 is in 3D graphics applications, where it is used to represent positions and directions in 3D space. For example, you might use a three.Vector3 to represent the position of a camera or the direction that an object is facing. three.Vector3 also provides a variety of utility methods for working with vectors, such as computing the dot product and cross product of two vectors, and computing the distance between two points in 3D space. Overall, three.Vector3 is a fundamental building block of 3D graphics applications and provides a convenient and powerful interface for working with vectors in 3D space.
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const zone = Pathfinding.createZone(geometry); pathfinding.setZoneData(ZONE, zone); t.equal(zone.groups[1][0].centroid.y, 1, 'centroid of node in group 1 should be at y=1'); const a = new THREE.Vector3(0.2, 1, 0.2); const groupID = pathfinding.getGroup(ZONE, a, true); t.equal(groupID, 1, 'point on node at y=1 should be in group 1'); t.end();
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_directionalLights = new THREE.Color(), _pointLights = new THREE.Color(), _vector3 = new THREE.Vector3(), // Needed for PointLight _centroid = new THREE.Vector3(), _normal = new THREE.Vector3(), _normalViewMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3(); // dash+gap fallbacks for Firefox and everything else
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Ai Example
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// Import the Vector3 class from the Three.js library import { Vector3 } from "three"; // Create a new vector with x=1, y=2, and z=3 const myVector = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); // Access the x, y, and z components of the vector console.log(myVector.x); // Output: 1 console.log(myVector.y); // Output: 2 console.log(myVector.z); // Output: 3 // Set the x, y, and z components of the vector myVector.x = 4; myVector.y = 5; myVector.z = 6; // Add two vectors together const otherVector = new Vector3(2, 3, 4); const sumVector = myVector.clone().add(otherVector); // Compute the length of the vector const length = myVector.length(); // Normalize the vector (i.e., scale it to have length 1) myVector.normalize();
In this example, we create a three.Vector3 object with components x=1, y=2, and z=3, and then access and set the components using the x, y, and z properties. We then create another vector, add it to the original vector, and store the result in a third vector using the add method. We also compute the length of the vector using the length method, and normalize the vector using the normalize method.
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obj.setMatrixAt( i, (new THREE.Matrix4()) .identity() .setPosition(positions[i * 3], positions[i * 3 + 1], positions[i * 3 + 2]) .scale(new THREE.Vector3(s, s, s)), ); } obj.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
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GitHub: K3D-tools/K3D-jupyter
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sceneRTT.add(quadRTT); object.refreshLightMap = function (direction) { if (textureRTT) { const {renderer} = K3D.getWorld(); const cameraPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); if (direction) { quadRTT.material.uniforms.lightDirection.value.fromArray(direction).normalize(); } else {
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GitHub: K3D-tools/K3D-jupyter
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config.interpolation = typeof (config.interpolation) !== 'undefined' ? config.interpolation : true; const randomMul = typeof (window.randomMul) !== 'undefined' ? window.randomMul : 255.0; const geometry = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(1, 1, 1); const modelMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); const translation = new THREE.Vector3(); const rotation = new THREE.Quaternion(); const scale = new THREE.Vector3(); const colorMap = (config.color_map && || null; let mask = null;
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GitHub: tentone/geo-three
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let normalAttribute = this.getAttribute('normal'); const normalLength = heightSegments * widthSegments; for (let i = 0; i < normalLength; i++) { normalAttribute.setXYZ(i, 0, 0, 0); } const pA = new three.Vector3(), pB = new three.Vector3(), pC = new three.Vector3(); const nA = new three.Vector3(), nB = new three.Vector3(), nC = new three.Vector3(); const cb = new three.Vector3(), ab = new three.Vector3(); const indexLength = heightSegments * widthSegments * 6; for (let i = 0; i < indexLength; i += 3) {
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const data = outputJson.points // Do some post-processing data.forEach((n) => { // Add a real THREE vector for easy access later n.vec = new THREE.Vector3(n.x, n.y, n.z) }) // First sort by the group ID ascending const sortedData = _.orderBy(data, ['g'], ['asc'])
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var phiDelta = 0; var thetaDelta = 0; var scale = 1; var pan = new THREE.Vector3(); var lastPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); var lastQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(); var STATE = { NONE : -1, ROTATE : 0, DOLLY : 1, PAN : 2, TOUCH_ROTATE : 3, TOUCH_DOLLY : 4, TOUCH_PAN : 5 };
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GitHub: edankwan/hyper-mix

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exports.initAnimation = 0; function init(renderer) { _renderer = renderer; _followPoint = new THREE.Vector3(); var rawShaderPrefix = 'precision ' + settings.capablePrecision + ' float;\n'; var gl = _renderer.getContext();
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GitHub: typpo/spacekit
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/** * @private * Converts [X, Y, Z] position in visualization to pixel coordinates. */ function toScreenXY(position, camera, canvas) { var pos = new THREE.Vector3(position[0], position[1], position[2]); pos.project(camera); return { x: ((pos.x + 1) * canvas.clientWidth) / 2, y: ((-pos.y + 1) * canvas.clientHeight) / 2
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var blockShift = 3; var blockSize = 1 << blockShift; var maxZVal = ( 1 << 24 ); // Note: You want to size this so you don't get overflows. var lineMode = false; var lookVector = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1); var crossVector = new THREE.Vector3(); var rectx1 = Infinity, recty1 = Infinity; var rectx2 = 0, recty2 = 0;
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GitHub: ASSERT-KTH/ci-hackathon
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var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, roomCanvas.width / roomCanvas.height, 0.1, 1000 ); camera.position.x = 0; camera.position.y = 50; camera.position.z = 300; camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 100, 0)); var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas: roomCanvas}); renderer.setSize( roomCanvas.width, roomCanvas.height, false );
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var worldQuaternionStart = new THREE.Quaternion(); var worldScaleStart = new THREE.Vector3(); var worldPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); var worldQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(); var worldScale = new THREE.Vector3(); var eye = new THREE.Vector3(); var _positionStart = new THREE.Vector3();
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GitHub: hanbollar/Odin
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// Initialize camera export const camera = new PerspectiveCamera(120, canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight, 0.1, 2000); console.log(camera.getWorldDirection()); camera.position.applyQuaternion( new THREE.Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), // The positive y-axis Math.PI )); export const cameraControls = new OrbitControls(camera, canvas); cameraControls.enableDamping = false;
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innerObject.children[0].children[0].rotation.z = 0; // camera.params.object.children[0].rotation.set(new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 0)); // camera.params.object.children[0].children[0].rotation.set(new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 0)); } }, startOrbit: function() {
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return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) { var precision = raycaster.linePrecision; var precisionSq = precision * precision; var interRay = new THREE.Vector3(); var geometry = this.geometry; if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere();
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GitHub: Kamsou/trois

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var afterResizeCallbacks = []; var beforeRenderCallbacks = []; // mouse tracking var mouse = new three.Vector2(); var mouseV3 = new three.Vector3(); var mousePlane = new three.Plane(new three.Vector3(0, 0, 1), 0); var raycaster = new three.Raycaster(); // raycast objects
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createObj() { // Define Geometry const simplex = new SimplexNoise(Math.random); const geometry = new THREE.OctahedronBufferGeometry(50, 5); for (var i = 0; i < geometry.attributes.position.count; i++) { const v3 = new THREE.Vector3( geometry.attributes.position.getX(i), geometry.attributes.position.getY(i), geometry.attributes.position.getZ(i), );
three.Vector3 is the most popular function in three (22341 examples)