How to use the Cookie function from tough-cookie
Find comprehensive JavaScript tough-cookie.Cookie code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ToughCookie.Cookie is a class in the tough-cookie library for Node.js that represents an HTTP cookie and provides methods for serializing and deserializing cookie data.
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## Synopsis ```javascript var tough = require("tough-cookie"); var Cookie = tough.Cookie; var cookie = Cookie.parse(header); cookie.value = "somethingdifferent"; header = cookie.toString(); var cookiejar = new tough.CookieJar();
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# Synopsis ``` javascript var cookies = require('tough-cookie'); // note: not 'cookie', 'cookies' or 'node-cookie' var Cookie = cookies.Cookie; var cookie = Cookie.parse(header); cookie.value = 'somethingdifferent'; header = cookie.toString();
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How does tough-cookie.Cookie work?
When you use ToughCookie.Cookie in your Node.js code, you are working with a class that represents an HTTP cookie. You can create a new instance of ToughCookie.Cookie by passing an options object as an argument that specifies the various attributes of the cookie, such as the name, value, domain, and path. Once you have created the cookie object, you can use its methods to serialize the cookie data into a string, parse a string into a cookie object, and manipulate the various attributes of the cookie. Here is an example of using ToughCookie.Cookie to create and manipulate a cookie object: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const { Cookie } = require('tough-cookie'); const cookie = new Cookie({ key: 'my-cookie', value: 'my-value', domain: '', path: '/', }); console.log(cookie.toString()); // "my-cookie=my-value;; Path=/" cookie.value = 'new-value'; console.log(cookie.toString()); // "my-cookie=new-value;; Path=/" In this example, we are using ToughCookie.Cookie to create a new cookie object with a name of 'my-cookie', a value of 'my-value', a domain of '', and a path of '/'. We use the toString method to serialize the cookie data into a string. We then update the value of the cookie to 'new-value', and use toString again to serialize the updated cookie data into a string. Overall, ToughCookie.Cookie provides a powerful and flexible way to work with HTTP cookies in Node.js, allowing you to create, serialize, and deserialize cookie data with ease.
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let get = require('lodash/get'); let set = require('lodash/set'); let unset = require('lodash/unset'); let values = require('lodash/values'); let Cookie = ToughCookie.Cookie; const STORE_KEY = '__cookieStore__'; class WebStorageCookieStore extends ToughCookie.Store {
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throw new Error("Line " + line_num + " is not valid"); var domain = parsed[0], can_domain = canonicalDomain(domain); var cookie = new TOUGH.Cookie({ domain : can_domain, path : parsed[2], secure : parsed[3] == 'TRUE' ? true : false, //expires : parseInt(parsed[4]) ? new Date(parsed[4] * 1000) : undefined,
Ai Example
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const { Cookie } = require("tough-cookie"); const cookieString = "my-cookie=new-value;; Path=/"; const cookie = Cookie.parse(cookieString); console.log(cookie.key); // "my-cookie" console.log(cookie.value); // "new-value" console.log(cookie.domain); // "" console.log(cookie.path); // "/"
In this example, we are using ToughCookie.Cookie to parse a string representation of a cookie into a cookie object. We pass the cookie string 'my-cookie=new-value;; Path=/' as an argument to the parse method, which returns a new ToughCookie.Cookie instance. We then use the various properties of the cookie object, such as key, value, domain, and path, to access the various attributes of the cookie. Note that ToughCookie.Cookie is just one of many classes and utilities available in the tough-cookie library for Node.js, which provides a robust and flexible way to work with HTTP cookies in various scenarios.
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const util = require('util'); const Redis = require('ioredis'); const tough = require('tough-cookie'); const Store = tough.Store; const Cookie = tough.Cookie; const permutePath = tough.permutePath; const permuteDomain = tough.permuteDomain; let redisClient = null;
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cookieJar = new CookieJar(); getCookies = promisify(cookieJar.getCookies.bind(cookieJar)); setCookie = promisify(cookieJar.setCookie.bind(cookieJar)); // 生成csrf-token const csrfToken = [...Array(16 * 2)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join(''); await setCookie(new Cookie({ key: 'ct0', value: csrfToken, domain: cookiedomain, secure: false }), cookieurl); headers['x-csrf-token'] = csrfToken; headers['x-guest-token'] = undefined; // 发起初始化请求 const response = await twitterGot({
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GitHub: NeonWilderness/twoday
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this.layout = {}; this.delay = Math.abs(options.delay); // ms this.silent = options.silent; // true=no console messages this.version = pkg.version; const cookie = tough.Cookie; const agreed = cookie.parse( `agreed=${options.agreedVersion}; Domain=.${this.fullDomain}; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure;` ); this.cookieJar = new tough.CookieJar();
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let cookie = new tough.Cookie({ key: "AUTH", value: req.user.auth, httpOnly: true, }); let cookie2 = new tough.Cookie({ key: "JSESSIONID", value: req.user.jsession, httpOnly: true, });
tough-cookie.CookieJar is the most popular function in tough-cookie (171 examples)