How to use the CookieJar function from tough-cookie
Find comprehensive JavaScript tough-cookie.CookieJar code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
tough-cookie.CookieJar is a class in the tough-cookie library that provides an interface for managing and interacting with HTTP cookies.
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var tough = require("tough-cookie"); var Cookie = tough.Cookie; var cookie = Cookie.parse(header); cookie.value = "somethingdifferent"; header = cookie.toString(); var cookiejar = new tough.CookieJar(); // Asynchronous! var cookie = await cookiejar.setCookie( cookie,
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var Cookie = cookies.Cookie; var cookie = Cookie.parse(header); cookie.value = 'somethingdifferent'; header = cookie.toString(); var cookiejar = new cookies.CookieJar(); cookiejar.setCookie(cookie, '', cb); // ... cookiejar.getCookies('',function(err,cookies) { res.headers['cookie'] = cookies.join('; ');
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How does tough-cookie.CookieJar work?
tough-cookie.CookieJar is a class provided by the tough-cookie library that represents a container for HTTP cookies. It provides an interface for managing and interacting with cookies, including adding and removing cookies, serializing and deserializing cookies, and inspecting cookies. To use tough-cookie.CookieJar, developers first need to import the tough-cookie library and create a new instance of the CookieJar class. Once the CookieJar instance is created, developers can use the various methods provided by the class to manage and interact with cookies. For example, they can add a new cookie to the jar using the setCookie method, retrieve all cookies that match a particular URL using the getCookies method, and serialize the cookies in the jar to a string using the serializeSync method. The CookieJar class also provides a number of options for configuring its behavior, including options for setting the default domain and path for cookies, enabling or disabling cookie security features, and specifying custom cookie stores for persistent storage. Overall, tough-cookie.CookieJar is a powerful tool for managing and interacting with HTTP cookies in JavaScript applications, and is used by a variety of libraries and frameworks to implement cookie-based authentication and other features.
GitHub: terry-fei/wechat-bot

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const logo = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'logo.txt'), 'utf8'); // try persistent cookie const cookiePath = path.join(process.cwd(), '.cookie.json'); touch.sync(cookiePath); const jar = new tough.CookieJar(new FileCookieStore(cookiePath)); const req = axios.create({ timeout: 35e3, headers: {
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GitHub: heap/electron-cookies

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const FAKE_APP_URI = 'https://yourdomain.heap/'; (function(document) { const store = new WebStorageCookieStore(localStorage); const cookiejar = new tough.CookieJar(store); Object.defineProperty(document, "cookie", { get() { return cookiejar.getCookieStringSync(FAKE_APP_URI); },
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Ai Example
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const tough = require("tough-cookie"); // Create a new CookieJar instance const jar = new tough.CookieJar(); // Set a new cookie in the jar const cookie = new tough.Cookie({ key: "myCookie", value: "myValue", domain: "", path: "/", httpOnly: true, }); jar.setCookie(cookie, "", (err, cookie) => { if (err) throw err; console.log("Cookie set successfully!"); }); // Get all cookies that match a given URL jar.getCookies("", (err, cookies) => { if (err) throw err; console.log("Cookies found:", cookies); }); // Serialize the cookies in the jar to a string const serializedCookies = jar.serializeSync(); console.log("Serialized cookies:", serializedCookies);
In this example, we first import the tough-cookie library using the require function, and create a new instance of the CookieJar class. We then set a new cookie in the jar using the setCookie method, which takes a Cookie object and a URL as arguments. We provide a new Cookie object with some example properties, including a name, value, domain, and path, and specify the URL for which the cookie should be set. We also provide a callback function to handle errors and log a message when the cookie is successfully set. Next, we use the getCookies method to retrieve all cookies that match a given URL, which returns an array of Cookie objects. We provide the URL to match as an argument, and provide a callback function to handle errors and log the results. Finally, we use the serializeSync method to serialize the cookies in the jar to a string, which can be saved or transmitted as needed. We log the serialized string to the console using console.log. This demonstrates how tough-cookie.CookieJar can be used to manage and interact with HTTP cookies in a Node.js application, including setting, retrieving, and serializing cookies.
GitHub: sayem314/hooman

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const delay = require('./lib/delay'); const log = require('./lib/logging'); const { CookieJar } = require('tough-cookie'); const UserAgent = require('user-agents'); const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); // Automatically parse and store cookies const challengeInProgress = {}; // Got instance to handle cloudflare bypass const instance = got.extend({
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if (this.config.interval < 0.5) {"Set interval to minimum 0.5"); this.config.interval = 0.5; } this.cookieJar = new tough.CookieJar(); const cookieState = await this.getStateAsync("auth.cookie"); if (cookieState && cookieState.val) { this.cookieJar = tough.CookieJar.fromJSON(cookieState.val); }
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// axios-cookiejar-support v2.0.2 syntax const { wrapper: axiosCookieJarSupport } = require('axios-cookiejar-support'); // as of axios-cookiejar-support v2.0.x, see const tough = require('tough-cookie'); const cookieJar = new tough.CookieJar(); const axios = require('axios') //.default; // axios.defaults.xsrfCookieName = undefined; // change xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN' to xsrfCookieName: undefined, we do not want this default,
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const { HttpCookieAgent, HttpsCookieAgent } = require('http-cookie-agent/http'); var Controller = function (hostname, port, unifios, ssl) { var _self = this; _self._cookieJar = new CookieJar(); _self._unifios = unifios; _self._ssl = ssl; _self._baseurl = '';
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return makeApolloClient(serverUrl, TESTS_LOG_REQUEST_RESPONSE || logErrors) } const createAxiosClientWithCookie = (options = {}, cookie = '', cookieDomain = '') => { const cookies = (cookie) ? cookie.split(';').map(Cookie.parse) : [] const cookieJar = new CookieJar() const domain = (urlParse(cookieDomain).protocol || 'http:') + '//' + urlParse(cookieDomain).host cookies.forEach((cookie) => cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie, domain)) const httpsAgentWithUnauthorizedTls = new https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false }) if (TESTS_TLS_IGNORE_UNAUTHORIZED) options.httpsAgent = httpsAgentWithUnauthorizedTls
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delete site.cookies } async function backoffFetch (uri, opts) { if (state.inflight[uri]) return state.inflight[uri] const site = siteConfig(uri, config) if (!site.cookieJar) site.cookieJar = new CookieJar() state.inflight[uri] = enqueue(fetch, uri, {cookieJar: site.cookieJar, ...opts}) try { return await state.inflight[uri] } finally {
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opts.method = method; opts.headers = {}; opts.retry = 0; opts.responseType = 'buffer'; opts.maxRedirects = 21; opts.cookieJar = new CookieJar(); opts.ignoreInvalidCookies = true; opts.forever = nodeHTTPPersistent; if (msg.requestTimeout !== undefined) { if (isNaN(msg.requestTimeout)) {
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} async #init() { if (this.#request === undefined) { const options = { cookieJar: new CookieJar(), hooks: { afterResponse: [ addJSDOMToResponse, (response) => {
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// 일반실 예약 가능 여부 general_admission = false } class Korail{ cookieJar = new CookieJar(); headers = { "User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 4 Build/LMY48T)", "Referer": "", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
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GitHub: runvincentrun/rsstest
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} const type = typeMap[typeParam]; // 获取cookie const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); await got(site + '/', { cookieJar, });
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res.send('You are not authenticated so far. Call /login first'); //res.redirect("/login") } function initChurchToolsClient() { churchtoolsClient.setCookieJar(axiosCookieJarSupport.default, new tough.CookieJar()); churchtoolsClient.setBaseUrl(config.get('churchtools.url')); var logLevel = config.get('logging.level'); if(logLevel == "debug") { // LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG (outputs every request and response including request/response data)
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const { topicPath } = ctx.params; const link = `${baseUrl}/${topicPath ? topicPath : 'latest'}`; let cookieJar = await ctx.cache.get('pnas:cookieJar'); const cacheMiss = !cookieJar; cookieJar = cacheMiss ? new CookieJar() : CookieJar.fromJSON(cookieJar); const { data: res } = await got(link, { cookieJar, }); if (cacheMiss) {
GitHub: herlon214/phantom2jar

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const tough = require('tough-cookie') const each = require('aigle/each') module.exports = async (instance) => { let cookies = await instance.cookies() let cookiejar = new tough.CookieJar() await each(cookies, async (cookie) => { let parsed = tough.fromJSON({ key:,
tough-cookie.CookieJar is the most popular function in tough-cookie (171 examples)