How to use the dasherize function from underscore.string
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.string.dasherize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
underscore.string.dasherize is a function that converts a string to kebab case by replacing spaces and underscores with dashes.
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exports.underscored = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.underscored(String(value))); }; exports.dasherize = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.dasherize(String(value))); }; exports.humanize = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.humanize(String(value)));
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this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath('.'), this.destinationPath('.'), { FIELD_NAMESPACE: this.props.project_namespace.replace(/(\/)/g, '\\'), FIELD_NAME: s.dasherize(this.props.project_name), FIELD_NAME_JS: s.classify(this.props.project_name).toLowerCase(), FIELD_NAME_PHP: field_name_php_camel_case, FIELD_NAME_CLASS_PHP: field_name_class_php, FIELD_NAME_PHP_PATH: 'CARBON_' + s.underscored(this.props.project_name).toUpperCase() + '_DIR',
How does underscore.string.dasherize work?
underscore.string.dasherize is a function that takes a string as an input and converts it to kebab case. It does this by replacing all spaces and underscores with dashes ("-"), and converting all characters to lower case. For example, the input string "Hello, world!" would be converted to "hello-world". The function works by using regular expressions to search for spaces and underscores in the input string, and then replacing them with dashes. It then converts all characters to lower case using the toLowerCase method. Note that underscore.string.dasherize is part of the Underscore.string library, which extends the Underscore.js library with additional string manipulation functions.
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type="video/${videoType}"> </video> </div>`; }, dasherize: (str) => dasherize(str), camelize: (str) => camelize(str, true), link(str, locals) {
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GitHub: sclaussen/skyblock
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let pluralName = plural(name); return { snakeCased: name, dashCased: _s.dasherize(name), camelCased: acronym(_s.camelize(name), 0), capitalized: acronym(_s.classify(name)), capitalizedWithSpaces: acronym(_.startCase(name)), capitalizedWithUnderscores: acronym(_.startCase(name)).replaceAll(' ', '_'),
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("underscore.string"); const myString = "This is a sample string_with-underscores"; const dasherizedString = _.dasherize(myString); console.log(dasherizedString); // Output: "this-is-a-sample-string-with-underscores"
In this example, we first require the underscore.string library, and then define a string with spaces, underscores, and mixed casing. We then call the dasherize function from the library, passing in the input string. The function returns a new string that has all spaces and underscores replaced with dashes, and all characters converted to lower case. We then log the resulting string to the console.
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