How to use the any function from underscore
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.any code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
underscore.any is a function in the Underscore.js library that checks if at least one element in a collection satisfies a condition.
GitHub: Ashteki/ashteki
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* Checks whether the passes card is in a legal location for the passed type of play * @param card * @param {String} playingType */ isCardInPlayableLocation(card, playingType) { return _.any( this.playableLocations, (location) => (!playingType || location.playingType === playingType) && location.contains(card) );
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const query = { fields: ['admins'], filters: [['_id', '=', companyIds], ['space', '=', userSession.spaceId]] } const companys = await getObject("company").find(query); isAdmin = _.any(companys, (item) => { return item.admins && item.admins.indexOf(userSession.userId) > -1 }) }
+ 3 other calls in file
How does underscore.any work?
_.any (or _.some) is an Underscore.js function that iterates over a list of elements and returns true if at least one of the elements passes the callback test, and false otherwise. It stops iterating as soon as a passing element is found. The callback function is passed the current element and its index, and is evaluated in the context of the optional thisArg. If no thisArg is provided, _.any uses the this value of the current scope. The function returns false if called on an empty list.
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}, matchObject: function (obj) { if (_.isEmpty(obj) || _.size(obj) > 2) { return false; } return _.any(builtinConverters, function (converter) { return converter.matchJSONValue(obj); }); }, toJSONValue: function (obj) {
Ai Example
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const arr = [2, 4, 6, 8, 9]; const result = _.any(arr, (num) => num % 2 !== 0); console.log(result); // true
In this example, _.any (or _.some) checks whether any element of the arr array is odd or not. Since the number 9 is present in the array, which is odd, the result of _.any is true.
underscore.keys is the most popular function in underscore (11266 examples)