How to use the identity function from underscore

Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.identity code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.

The underscore.identity function returns the first argument it receives.


// A mostly-internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied
// to each element in a collection, returning the desired result — either
// identity, an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor.
var cb = function(value, context, argCount) {
  if (value == null) return _.identity;
  if (_.isFunction(value)) return optimizeCb(value, context, argCount);
  if (_.isObject(value)) return _.matcher(value);
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How does underscore.identity work?

The underscore.identity function is a utility function in the Underscore.js library that returns the first argument that it receives. The purpose of this function is to provide a simple way to create higher-order functions that accept functions as arguments. By passing _.identity as an argument to a higher-order function, the function can be used as a "no-op" that simply returns its input without any modification. For example, the function in Underscore.js can accept a callback function as its second argument, which is applied to each element in an array to produce a new array. If no callback function is specified, _.identity is used as the default callback function, which simply returns each element unchanged. The _.identity function is also useful in functional programming, where it can be used to pass values through a series of functions without modifying them. For example, consider the following code: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const value = 42; const result = _.chain(value) .add(10) .multiply(2) .value(); console.log(result); // Output: 104 In this example, we use the _.chain function to create a "chainable" object that wraps the value 42. We then call the _.add and _.multiply methods on the chainable object, which perform arithmetic operations on the value. The _.value method is then called to extract the final value from the chainable object. Because we didn't pass a callback function to either _.add or _.multiply, the default _.identity function is used, which simply returns its input value unchanged. Therefore, the final result is 42 + 10 = 52, then 52 * 2 = 104. Overall, the _.identity function is a simple utility function that has a variety of uses in functional programming and higher-order functions.

Ai Example

const _ = require("underscore");

const myFunc = (arg, callback = _.identity) => {
  const result = callback(arg);

myFunc("Hello, world!", _.upperCase);
// Output: HELLO, WORLD!

// Output: 42

In this example, we define a function called myFunc that accepts two arguments: arg and callback. If callback is not provided, we default to using _.identity, which simply returns arg unchanged. We then call myFunc twice: once with a string argument and a custom callback function that converts the string to uppercase using _.upperCase, and once with a number argument and no callback function. In the first call, the custom callback function is applied to the string, returning the uppercase version of the string. In the second call, the default _.identity function is used, returning the number unchanged. Overall, the _.identity function provides a simple way to pass values through higher-order functions without modifying them, and to provide default behavior for callback functions when none is specified.