How to use the chain function from underscore
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.chain code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
underscore.chain creates a chainable object that allows chaining of Underscore methods together.
GitHub: keyteki/keyteki
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next(); } // Actions mapGamesToGameSummaries(games) { return _.chain(games) .map((game) => game.getSummary()) .sortBy('createdAt') .sortBy('started') .reverse()
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_.each(this.conflictDiscard, card => { this.moveCard(card, 'conflict deck'); }); // Move cards to the discard in reverse order // (helps with referring to cards by index) _.chain(newContents).reverse().each(name => { var card = this.findCardByName(name, 'conflict deck'); this.moveCard(card, 'conflict discard pile'); }); }
+ 3 other calls in file
How does underscore.chain work?
underscore.chain creates a "chainable" object that allows you to call multiple Underscore methods on the same object in a single line by passing the result of one method to the next method as an argument. It works by returning a wrapper object that has Underscore methods as properties, and the value of the wrapped object is passed as the first argument to these methods.
Ai Example
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const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const result = _.chain(numbers) .map((n) => n * 2) .filter((n) => n > 5) .value(); console.log(result); // [6, 8, 10]
In this example, _.chain is used to wrap the numbers array and allow for a series of operations to be performed using method chaining. is used to double each number in the array, followed by _.filter to only keep those numbers that are greater than 5. The resulting array is then obtained using .value().
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