How to use the isUndefined function from underscore
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.isUndefined code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
underscore.isUndefined is a function provided by the Underscore.js library that determines if a given value is undefined.
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} function AvroArray(itemSchema) { function validateArgs(itemSchema) { if (_.isNull(itemSchema) || _.isUndefined(itemSchema)) { throw new InvalidSchemaError('Array "items" schema should not be null or undefined'); } }
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GitHub: Tolar-HashNET/web3js
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var Common = require("ethereumjs-common").default; const elliptic = require("elliptic"); const secp256k1 = new"secp256k1"); // eslint-disable-line var isNot = function (value) { return _.isUndefined(value) || _.isNull(value); }; let fromPrivateFn = Account.fromPrivate; let recoverFn = Account.recover; var Accounts = function Accounts() {
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How does underscore.isUndefined work?
underscore.isUndefined is a function provided by the Underscore.js library that determines if a given value is undefined. When called, underscore.isUndefined takes a single argument, which is the value to be tested. It then checks if the value is undefined using the typeof operator and returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the value is undefined. In JavaScript, the value undefined represents a variable that has been declared but has not been assigned a value. When a function does not return a value, the default return value is also undefined. By using underscore.isUndefined, you can easily check whether a given value is undefined in your Underscore.js code. Overall, underscore.isUndefined provides a convenient way to test whether a given value is undefined, allowing you to write more robust and error-free code.
GitHub: cloakscn/yapi-docker
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} let tpl = ``; Object.keys(text || {}).map((item, index) => { let name = messageMap[item]; let value = text[item]; tpl += _.isUndefined(text[item]) ? '' : `<p key=${index}><span style="font-weight: '700'">${name}: </span><span>${value.toString()}</span></p>`; });
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GitHub: cloakscn/yapi-docker
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async schema2json(ctx) { let schema = ctx.request.body.schema; let required = ctx.request.body.required; let res = yapi.commons.schemaToJson(schema, { alwaysFakeOptionals: _.isUndefined(required) ? true : required }); // console.log('res',res) return (ctx.body = res); }
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("underscore"); const x = undefined; const y = "Hello, world!"; console.log(_.isUndefined(x)); // true console.log(_.isUndefined(y)); // false
In this example, we use underscore.isUndefined to check whether two values are undefined. We first import the Underscore.js library using the require function and assign it to the variable _. We then create two variables x and y. x is explicitly set to undefined, while y is set to a string value. We call _.isUndefined twice, passing in x and y as the arguments. This checks whether each value is undefined and returns a boolean value indicating whether or not it is. Finally, we log the results of both calls to _.isUndefined to the console, which in this case will be true for x and false for y. Note that in order to use underscore.isUndefined, you need to have the Underscore.js library installed and imported in your application.
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} }; const transformFieldValue = async function(field, value, options) { var selected_value, space_id, utcOffset; if (_.isNull(value) || _.isUndefined(value)) { return; } utcOffset = options.utcOffset; space_id = options.space_id;
GitHub: evan-org/yapi
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function tableCol(col, columns, level) { let tpl = "";, index) => { let dataIndex = item.dataIndex; let value = col[dataIndex]; value = _.isUndefined(value) ? "" : value; let text = ""; switch (dataIndex) { case "sub":
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