How to use the default function from bindings

Find comprehensive JavaScript bindings.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.

bindings.default is a function in the Node.js bindings module that can be used to load a native addon and bind it to a JavaScript object.

    opts.path = true;
opts.module_root = pkgBase;
let resolved;
try {
    resolved = bindings_1.default(opts);
catch (e) { }
if (resolved) {
    staticChildValue = { value: resolved };
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+ 3 other calls in file

How does bindings.default work?

bindings.default is a function in the Node.js bindings module that can be used to load a native addon and bind it to a JavaScript object.

When bindings.default is called with a module name, it attempts to load a native addon with that name using the Node.js require mechanism. If the addon is found and loaded successfully, bindings.default returns an object that contains the addon's exported functions and properties.

The returned object can be used to access and call the exported functions and properties of the native addon from JavaScript.

By default, bindings.default looks for the addon in a directory named build within the module's directory. However, this behavior can be customized using various options, such as bindings_root, module_root, or try_catch.

Overall, bindings.default provides a simple and convenient way to load and bind native addons in Node.js, allowing developers to extend their applications with low-level C++ code.

Ai Example

const bindings = require("bindings");

// Load the native addon named 'myaddon'
const myAddon = bindings("myaddon");

// Call a function from the native addon
const result = myAddon.myFunction(42);

console.log("Result:", result);

In this example, we use bindings.default to load and bind a native addon named 'myaddon'. We call bindings('myaddon') to load the addon and bind it to a JavaScript object named myAddon. The returned object contains the addon's exported functions and properties, which can be accessed and called from JavaScript. We then call a function named myFunction from the native addon, passing it the argument 42. The function returns a result, which we log to the console. This example shows how bindings.default can be used to load and bind native addons in Node.js. By using the returned object to call functions from the native addon, we can extend our Node.js applications with low-level C++ code.

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