How to use the setSocketSendBuffer function from bindings
Find comprehensive JavaScript bindings.setSocketSendBuffer code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: Streampunk/netadon
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236
netadon.setSocketRecvBuffer = function(socket, numBytes) { netAdon.setSocketRecvBuffer(socket._handle, numBytes); } netadon.setSocketSendBuffer = function(socket, numBytes) { netAdon.setSocketSendBuffer(socket._handle, numBytes); } netadon.createSocket = function (options, cb, packetSize, recvMinPackets, sendMinPackets) { try {
+ 6 other calls in file
bindings.createKey is the most popular function in bindings (8616 examples)