How to use the textureStorage2D function from bindings
Find comprehensive JavaScript bindings.textureStorage2D code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: lfdoherty/node-opengl-46
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
throw new TypeError('Expected clearTexImage(WebGLTexture texture, level, format, type, value)'); } return _clearTexImage(texture ? texture._ : 0, level, format, type, data); } var _textureStorage2D = gl.textureStorage2D; gl.textureStorage2D = function textureStorage2D(texture, levels, internalFormat, width, height) { if (!(arguments.length === 5 && (texture instanceof gl.WebGLTexture) && typeof levels === 'number' && typeof internalFormat === 'number' && typeof width === 'number' && typeof height === 'number')) { //console.log([target, texture, texture instanceof gl.WebGLTexture]) throw new TypeError('Expected textureStorage2D(WebGLTexture texture, number levels, number internalFormat, number width, number height)');
+ 137 other calls in file
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