How to use the toString function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.toString code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
In the Lodash library, the toString function is used to convert a value to a string representation, using various strategies based on the type of the input value.
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module.exports.toPairsIn = _.toPairsIn; module.exports.toPath = _.toPath; module.exports.toPlainObject = _.toPlainObject; module.exports.toQuery = _.toQuery; module.exports.toSafeInteger = _.toSafeInteger; module.exports.toString = _.toString; module.exports.toUpper = _.toUpper; module.exports.trampoline = _.trampoline; module.exports.transform = _.transform; module.exports.trim = _.trim;
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const metaKey = key.split("meta.")[1]; boolQuery.push({ bool: { must: [ { match_phrase: { "": metaKey } }, { match_phrase: { "metadata.value": _.toString(criteria[key]) } }, ], }, }); }
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How does lodash.toString work?
is a function in the Lodash library that converts a value to a string representation.
When lodash.toString
is called with a value as input, it performs the following transformations based on the type of the input value:
- If the value is
, it returns an empty string. - If the value is a string, it returns the string unchanged.
- If the value is a number, it returns the number as a string.
- If the value is a boolean, it returns the string representation of the boolean value (
). - If the value is a Date object, it returns the string representation of the date in ISO format.
- If the value is an object or an array, it returns the JSON string representation of the object or array.
By using lodash.toString
, developers can easily convert values of various types to string representations for use in their applications. The function provides consistent and predictable behavior for different types of input values, making it easier to work with values of unknown types or from different sources.
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const challengeResources = await getChallengeResources(challengeId); return ( _.filter( challengeResources, (r) => _.toString(r.memberId) === _.toString(userId) && _.includes(rolesWithFullAccess, r.roleId) ).length > 0 ); }
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return } if (_.get(res, 'data.type') === 'self-service' && _.includes(config.SELF_SERVICE_WHITELIST_HANDLES, currentUser.handle.toLowerCase())) { return } if (!_.find(_.get(res, 'data.members', []), m => _.toString(m.userId) === _.toString(currentUser.userId))) { throw new errors.ForbiddenError(`You don't have access to project with ID: ${projectId}`) } return } catch (err) {
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); // Converting various values to string representations const nullValue = null; const undefinedValue = undefined; const stringValue = "Hello, world!"; const numberValue = 42; const booleanValue = true; const dateValue = new Date(); const objectValue = { name: "John Doe", age: 30 }; const arrayValue = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]; console.log(_.toString(nullValue)); // Outputs: "" console.log(_.toString(undefinedValue)); // Outputs: "" console.log(_.toString(stringValue)); // Outputs: "Hello, world!" console.log(_.toString(numberValue)); // Outputs: "42" console.log(_.toString(booleanValue)); // Outputs: "true" console.log(_.toString(dateValue)); // Outputs: string representation of the date in ISO format console.log(_.toString(objectValue)); // Outputs: JSON string representation of the object console.log(_.toString(arrayValue)); // Outputs: JSON string representation of the array
In this example, we're using lodash.toString to convert various values to string representations. For example, the nullValue and undefinedValue variables are converted to empty strings, the stringValue variable is returned unchanged, the numberValue variable is converted to the string "42", and the booleanValue variable is converted to the string "true". The dateValue variable is converted to the string representation of the date in ISO format, and the objectValue and arrayValue variables are converted to JSON string representations of the object and array, respectively. By using lodash.toString, developers can easily convert values of various types to string representations for use in their applications.
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(toPlainObject); // => { '0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 3 } const toSafeInteger = _.toSafeInteger(3.2); console.log(toSafeInteger); // => 3 const toString = _.toString(null); console.log(toString); // => 'null' // Math
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} else {`No v5 Equivalent Found for ${phaseName}`) } if (isSelfService && phaseName === 'Review') { // make sure to set the required reviewers to 2 await createOrSetNumberOfReviewers(_.toString(phase.project_phase_id), _.toString(numOfReviewers), _.toString(createdBy)) } phaseOrder = phaseOrder + 1 } }
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GitHub: lando/core-next
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const normalizeBind = (bind, address = '') => { // If bind is not a string, return right away if (!_.isString(bind)) return bind; // Otherwise attempt to do stuff const pieces = _.toString(bind).split(':'); // If we have three pieces then honor the users choice if (_.size(pieces) === 3) return bind; // Unshift the address to the front and return else if (_.size(pieces) === 2) {
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console.log(`* Executed ${cName} with ${cValue} and ${cAmount} command`); } listGenres = () => { let allGenresAvailable = this.genresInList(); let splitedString = _.toString(allGenresAvailable).split(","); let templateString = ""; splitedString.forEach((genre, index) => { // check if last element if(allGenresAvailable.length-1 === index) {
GitHub: myouiswan/blogku
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const columns = _.keys(schema[tableName]); let validationErrors = []; _.each(columns, function each(columnKey) { let message = ''; // KEEP: Validator.js only validates strings. const strVal = _.toString(model.get(columnKey)); if (options.method !== 'insert' && !_.has(model.changed, columnKey)) { return; }
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GitHub: achinwo/irev-exporter
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}) const SCHEMA2 = [ {column: 'Label', type: String, value: data => data.label}, {column: 'Value', type: Number, value: data => data.value}, // {column: 'Label', type: String, value: data => data.stateId ? _.toString(data.stateId) : null}, // {column: 'Value', type: String, value: data => data.stateName}, // {column: 'Label', type: String, value: data => data.stateId ? _.toString(data.stateId) : null}, // {column: 'Value', type: String, value: data => data.stateName}, ]
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} // disabling sanitization until we can implement a better version if (!options.importing) { title = this.get('title') || tpl(messages.untitled); this.set('title', _.toString(title).trim()); } // ### Business logic for published_at and published_by // If the current status is 'published' and published_at is not set, set it to now
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* * @param {integer} statusCode * @returns {String[]} */ _private.getErrorTemplateHierarchy = function getErrorTemplateHierarchy(statusCode) { const errorCode = _.toString(statusCode); const templateList = ['error']; // Add error class template: E.g. error-4xx.hbs or error-5xx.hbs templateList.unshift('error-' + errorCode[0] + 'xx');
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