How to use the clone function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.clone code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.clone creates a deep copy of an object or an array in JavaScript.
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const buildNodeMap = (nodes) => { return nodes.reduce((acc, element) => { return acc.set(, element) }, new Map()); }; const translateHierarchy = (hierarchy, inKeys, nodeMap, filterMap) => { let keys = R.clone(inKeys); if (keys.length === 0) { return => { element.type = "node";
GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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} // 1.extract codebase path and runtime let skillJson = fs.readJSONSync(skillJsonPath, "utf-8"); if (skillJson.skillManifest) { // some templates still use "skillManifest" which is the v0 manifest structure skillJson.manifest = R.clone(skillJson.skillManifest); skillJson = R.omit(["skillManifest"], skillJson); } const apisCustom = R.view(R.lensPath(["manifest", "apis", "custom"]), skillJson); const lambdaResources = R.view(R.lensPath(["deploy_settings", profile, "resources", "lambda"]), v1Config);
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How does ramda.clone work?
ramda.clone is a function that creates a deep copy of a given object or array by recursively copying all of its properties or elements, making it possible to manipulate the copied object or array without modifying the original one. Internally, ramda.clone uses a combination of Object.create and Object.assign to create a new object with the same prototype and copy all properties of the original object to it, or it uses Array.from to create a new array with the same elements as the original one.
GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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}; httpClient.request(options, "GET_ACCESS_TOKEN", this.config.doDebug, (err, response) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } const tokenBody = R.clone(response.body); if (tokenBody.error) { return callback(new CliError(tokenBody.error)); } tokenBody.expires_at = this._getExpiresAt(tokenBody.expires_in).toISOString();
GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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}); } function _assembleAskResources(userInput, profile) { const askResourcesJson = R.clone(AskResources.BASE); const askStatesJson = R.clone(AskStates.BASE); const askProfileResources = {skillMetadata: userInput.skillMeta}; const askProfileStates = {skillId: userInput.skillId}; if (userInput.skillCode) { askProfileResources.code = userInput.skillCode;
Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const original = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }; const cloned = R.clone(original); console.log(cloned); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } console.log(cloned === original); // false
In this example, ramda.clone is used to create a deep copy of the original object. The cloned object is created using R.clone(original), and the result is logged to the console. Note that cloned is a separate object from original, and modifying one does not affect the other.
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currentMode = symbol; } if (isElement(symbol)) { if (currentMode === 'new' && (currentAction === 'modify' || currentAction === 'delete')) { oldElement = R.clone(currentElement); currentElement = attrs; currentElement.old = oldElement; } else { currentElement = attrs;
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GitHub: dmcquay/katas
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function deepDotEquals(obj1, obj2) { const paths = _enumeratePaths(obj1); const pathsWithEquals = paths.filter( (p) => typeof R.path(p, obj1).equals === "function" ); let obj1Clone = R.clone(obj1); let obj2Clone = R.clone(obj2); for (const p of pathsWithEquals) { if (!R.path(p, obj1).equals(R.path(p, obj2))) { throw new Error(`mismatch using .equals method of path ${p.join(".")}`);
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process.on('unhandledRejection', exit); } } getConfig() { return clone(this.configuration.config); } } // Export public API
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function isArray (val) { return Array.isArray(val) } function clone$1 (val) { return R.clone(val) } function trim$1 (val) { return R.trim(val)
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const migrationConfigs = [].concat(config.migrations); const getOptions = R.assoc('connection', config); const migrate = (migrationConfig) => { const options = R.clone(getOptions(migrationConfig)); options.connection.user = config.migrationsUser || config.user; options.connection.password = config.migrationsPassword || config.password; const migrationPath = path.resolve(;
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return newmsg; } // syntaxError(recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e) { msg = this.modifyErrorMessage(msg); let tmpl = R.clone(bit_tmpl.JSON_BIT_TEMPLATES.Error_Info); tmpl.message = msg; tmpl.line = parseInt(line)-1; tmpl.column = column;
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// same as article this.push_tmpl(ctx, 'button-copy-text', R.clone(JSON_BIT_TEMPLATES.Article_bit)); }; BitmarkListener.prototype.enterLearningpathdetails = function(ctx) { // same as article this.push_tmpl(ctx, 'learning-path-details', R.clone(JSON_BIT_TEMPLATES.Article_bit)); }; //BitmarkListener.prototype.exitArticle = function(ctx) {};
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GitHub: leslie555/bsp
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R.innerJoin((a, b) => a.componentName == b.component_id, R.__, allCharts), R.filter(x => selected.indexOf(x.ChartId) < 0) )(BBOXES); } export function deepClone(obj) { return R.clone(obj); } export function isIe() { const uaAutoScroll = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (uaAutoScroll.indexOf('msie') > -1 || uaAutoScroll.indexOf('rv:11') > -1);
GitHub: pounce-lang/js-core
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// binds names to stack values within a phrase of words 'crouch': { dt: '[[[S+]F][F]]', compose: function (s, pl) { var words = toPLOrNull(s === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.pop()); var argList = r.clone(toArrOfStrOrNull(s === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.pop())); if (words !== null && argList) { var values = () { return s === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.pop(); }, argList); // const localWD: { [index: string]: Word } = // r.zipObj(r.flatten(r.reverse(argList)), r.flatten(values));
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const res = this.but.remove_close_bracket_and_follow(code); ([this.body_key] = ([this.body_key].replace(code, ''); const key = camelize(what.substr(1)); // remove & ([slot] = {}; ([slot]['type'] = what.substr(1); ([slot][key] = key==='video' ? R.clone(JSON_BIT_TEMPLATES.Video) : R.clone(JSON_BIT_TEMPLATES.VideoLink); let parent = ([slot][key]; if (key==='video') { parent['format'] = url.split('.').pop();
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GitHub: bcrabbe/leetcode
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} return R.differenceWith((a, b) => a == b)(R.range(1, 10), Object.keys(notOptions)) } const solveSudoku = (board) => { const solvingBoard = R.clone(board) const lookups = toLookups(board) const { rows, columns, squares } = lookups let iterations = 0 while (!isComplete(solvingBoard)) {
GitHub: mapbox/osm-adiff-parser

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if (symbol === 'nd' && currentElement && currentElement.type === 'relation') { currentMember.nodes.push(attrs); } if (symbol === 'member' && currentElement && currentElement.type === 'relation') { currentMember = R.clone(attrs); currentMember.nodes = []; currentElement.members.push(currentMember); } }
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GitHub: brrf/practice-projects
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* @param {*} value The object or array to clone * @return {*} A deeply cloned copy of `val` * @example * * const objects = [{}, {}, {}]; * const objectsClone = R.clone(objects); * objects === objectsClone; //=> false * objects[0] === objectsClone[0]; //=> false */
GitHub: jcla1/AdventOfCode
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const flash = (board) => { const flashPoints = R.filter( (p) => U.get(board, p) >= 10, U.getIndicies(board)); board = R.clone(board); const newBoard = R.reduce((board, [i, j]) => { board[i][j] = -1; return board; }, board, flashPoints);
GitHub: areca/misc
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* @param {*} value The object or array to clone * @return {*} A new object or array. * @example * * var objects = [{}, {}, {}]; * var objectsClone = R.clone(objects); * objects[0] === objectsClone[0]; //=> false */ var clone = _curry1(function clone(value) { return value != null && typeof value.clone === 'function' ? value.clone() : _clone(value, [], [], true);
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throw new Error('Update fields are not valid'); } }; const list = () => { return R.clone(items); }; return { create,
ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)