How to use the compose function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.compose code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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pathIsString(['recipients', 'to']), pathIsString(['recipients', 'condition']) ); const propValueToSingletonArray = (propName) => R.compose(R.of, R.prop(propName)); const getRecipientList = R.cond([ [R.has('registrationTokens'), R.prop('registrationTokens')], [R.has('to'), propValueToSingletonArray('to')],
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const inGroup = ctx =>'group'); const capturingGroups = R.tail; const toUsername = R.compose( capturingGroups, R.match(/^(?:@|(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:t\.me|telegram\.(?:me|dog))\/)(\w+)/i), );
GitHub: 18xx-maker/18xx-maker
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}, gutil.compileCompanies(game) || []); // "quantity" of 0 mean remove the token entirely from the array // "quantity of "∞" means we put the special value of 0 in for dups // otherwise, "quantity" is the number of dups let tokens = R.compose( => { btok.token.push({ dups: extra.quantity === "∞" ? 0 : extra.quantity || 1, flip: true,
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const { construct } = require('../../util/util'); const Option = require('../../util/option'); const Problem = require('../../util/problem'); // It removes prefix from all the key of an object const removePrefix = curry((prefix, obj) => compose(reduce((acc, key) => assoc(key.replace(prefix, ''), obj[key], acc), {}), keys)(obj)); const pickFrameFields = (frame, obj) => compose( removePrefix(`${frame.def.from}!`), pickBy(compose(startsWith(`${frame.def.from}!`), nthArg(1)))
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GitHub: ayush-rudani/npmBox
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* Diffrence between Compose and Pipe is " result of compose is not * automatically curried while that of pipe is and the direction of functions executed in" . */ const classyGreeting = (firstName, lastName) => "The name's " + lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + lastName const yellGreeting = R.compose(R.toUpper, classyGreeting); yellGreeting('James', 'Bond'); /* * "THE NAME'S BOND, JAMES BOND" <= final result
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/** * Return a function that takes the keys from an object joins them together into a list * of sql parameter identifiers. * @return {function()} */ const createParamIdentifiers = R.compose( R.join(' , '),, R.keys )
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GitHub: mvp-rockets/lib-core
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[R.T, mapValueAndRules(value)] ])(rules); }, keys); }); const generateValidationSet = (data, rules) => R.compose(R.flatten, mapValueAndRules)(data, rules); const validationError = (errors) => Result.Error(new ApiError(errors, 'Validation Error', HTTP_CONSTANT.BAD_REQUEST)); const formResult = (errors) => R.cond([
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GitHub: hakantunc/hyp-down
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} if (data.status != 200) { console.log(`status:${data.status}`, data); } var images = R.compose( R.join('\n'), R.reverse(), => ``), R.filter(e => dateInBetween(new Date(e.datetime*1000), beg, end))
GitHub: Morozzko/React_Blank_App
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module.exports = path => config => { const resolved = resolveFromRootOrNodeModules(path) !resolved && error(`Could not load StyleLint configuration '${path}' relative to your project root nor node_modules'`) const transforms = map(fn => fn(resolved), [addStyleLintPluginToPostCSSLoaders, addStylelintCustomProcessorLoader]) const transform = compose(...transforms) return transform(config) }
GitHub: Morozzko/React_Blank_App
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const [middleware, transforms] = type(gathered) === 'Array' ? partition(isMiddleware, gathered) : [false, gathered] const padded = insertAll(1, transforms, [identity, identity]) const newMiddlewares = middleware && intersperse(middleware, padded) const normalizedArray = flatten(newMiddlewares || padded) const transform = compose(...normalizedArray) const resolved = require.resolve(path) const config = require(resolved) require.cache[resolved].exports =
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[R.T, mergeString] ]) ) // fromObject :: Object -> Link const fromObject = R.compose( concat(defaults), R.pick(R.keys(defaults)) )
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GitHub: zhentian-wan/ADT-demo
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/* // Using Ramda to implememnt the same logic const {compose, map, propOr, when, propEq, mergeLeft} = require('ramda'); const markAsSelected = (id) => when(propEq('id', id), mergeLeft({selected: true})) const over = (key, fn) => compose(map(fn), propOr([], key)); const selectCard2 = (id) => over('cards', markAsSelected(id)) console.log(
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GitHub: alvaro-cuesta/aoc-js
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)(i, 1, array), ), )(array) } const applyN = R.compose(R.reduceRight(R.compose, R.identity), R.repeat) const gcd = (a, b) => { while (a !== b) { if (a > b) {
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// View const viewCounter = R.curry((actions, [id, model]) => counter.view({ actions: R.compose(actions, Action.Modify(id)), remove: R.compose(actions, R.always(Action.Remove(id))), }, model)) const addBtn = (actions) => h('button.add', {
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/** * Return a function that takes the keys from each object in an array and joins them * together into a list of sql parameter identifiers with specific IDs. * @type {Function} */ const createMultipleParamIdentifiers = (data) =>, idx) => R.compose( R.join(' , '), // @ts-ignore, R.keys
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const getUserHeader = R.compose( token => `Authorization: Basic ${token}`, user => Buffer.from(user).toString('base64') ); const updateHeaderWithUser = R.compose( R.unnest, R.adjust(0, getUserHeader), R.values, R.pick(['user', 'header'])
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GitHub: calmm-js/partial.lenses

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const l_1 = R.lensIndex(1) const l_50 = R.lensIndex(50) const l_x = R.lensProp('x') const l_y = R.lensProp('y') const l_z = R.lensProp('z') const l_0_x_0_y = R.compose( l_0, l_x, l_0, l_y
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GitHub: lcofjp/visual-serial

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if (v.length < 3) return v; else { return R.splitEvery(2)(v); } }); const s = R.compose(,16)), R.flatten, m, R.split(' '))(str); return Buffer.from(s); } // display中间件 function display(buf, devObj, next) {
GitHub: com2u/SVTrain
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const findPublicKeyFromKid = (publicKey) => (kid) => find(isTheRightKid(kid))(publicKey) const getKid = path(['header', 'kid']) const decode = compose(curryN(2), flip)(jwt.decode) const getUserFromPublicKey = (token) => compose(makeUser, verify(token)) const getUserFromJWK = (token) => (jwk) =>
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// Merge custom actions with built-in actions actions = { ...builtinActions, ...actions } // Setup schemas object from type defs const schemas = R.compose(R.indexBy(R.prop('id')), const pluralTypes = Object.keys(schemas).reduce( (plurals, type) => ({ ...plurals, [schemas[type].plural]: type }), {}
ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)