How to use the filter function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.filter code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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return deleteResources(gremlinClient, args.resourceIds); case 'getLinkedNodesHierarchy': if (!isArn( throw new Error('The id parameter must be a valid ARN.'); return getLinkedNodesHierarchy(gremlinClient,; case 'batchGetLinkedNodesHierarchy': const invalidArns = R.filter(id => !isArn(id), args.ids); if (!R.isEmpty(invalidArns)) { logger.error({invalidArns}, 'Invalid ARNs provided. '); throw new Error('The following ARNs are invalid: ' + invalidArns); }
GitHub: 18xx-maker/18xx-maker
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tile: [], }; let tiles = R.compose( R.uniq, R.filter(R.propEq("color", color)), )(R.keys(game.tiles)); R.mapObjIndexed((dups, id) => {
211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
} ) }, files) } const filesWithExtension = (extension, files) => R.filter((f) => R.path(['extension'], f) === extension, files) const cp = (fromDir, toDir) => { if (exists(fromDir) && exists(toDir)) { const files = filesFromDir(cdw(fromDir))
+ 5 other calls in file
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const enumDef = (e, values) => `enum ${e} { \t${camelToSnakeCase(e).toUpperCase()}_UNSPECIFIED = 0; ${mapIndexed( (v, idx) => `\t${camelToSnakeCase(extractValue(v)).toUpperCase()} = ${idx + 1};`, R.filter((v) => extractValue(v).indexOf('UNSPECIFIED') < 1, values) ).join(EOL)} }` const messageDef = ({ name, fields, directives }, _isRequiredProps, isArrayProps, isEnumProps, _stringFormatter) => {
654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663
R.join(", ") ); const getHtmlHintErrors = R.pipe( R.keys, R.filter((x) => HTMLERRORS.indexOf(x) >= 0) ); htmlIssuesSummary && consoleBox("HtmlHint issues: " + getSummaryText(htmlIssuesSummary), "red");
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const nameToContent = (acc, name) => R.assoc(shortName(name), R.trim(readFile(name)), acc); const loadSql = (location) => { const files = fs.readdirSync(location); const load = R.pipe( R.filter(sqlFile),, R.reduce(nameToContent, {}) ); return load(files);
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const getEventsByAdmin = async (adminId = null) => { const events = await getEvents(adminId); if (events) { const notClosed = event => event.status !== eventStatuses.CLOSED; const pickProps = items => => R.pick(eventPublicProps, item)); return R.filter(notClosed, sortByCreatedAt(pickProps(Object.values(events)))); } return null; };
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}); exports.getChart = getChart; var getHotelsMarkers = function getHotelsMarkers() { return (0, _reselect.createSelector)(getFlattenPrices(), _selectors2.hotelsHub, function (prices, hotels) { return R.filter(Boolean, (_ref23) { var hotelID = _ref23.hotelID, _ref23$offers = _slicedToArray(_ref23.offers, 1), offerID = _ref23$offers[0];
+ 83 other calls in file
GitHub: corporatepiyush/es6
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'salary': 1000000 } function transform(input) { const pairs = _.toPairs(input) const filteredPairs = _.filter(_.compose(, _.view(_.lensIndex(1))), pairs) return _.fromPairs(filteredPairs) } console.log("transform=", transform(input)) // output
+ 7 other calls in file
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 R.trim, R.match(/Run #\d+: ActivityRecord{\w+ \w+ ([\w\.\/]+)/), it => it ? it[1] : null, )), R.filter(R.identity), )(); } get isWake () {
714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725
var isDir = _fsExtra.default.existsSync(sourcePath) && _fsExtra.default.lstatSync(sourcePath).isDirectory(); return (0, _normalizePath.default)(_path.default.relative(process.cwd(), sourcePath), false) + (isDir ? "/" : ""); } var cleanObsolete = R.filter(function (message) { return !message.obsolete; }); exports.cleanObsolete = cleanObsolete;
GitHub: leslie555/bsp
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*/ /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ export function getCanChooseAbox(ABOXES = [], allCharts = [], selected = []) { return R.compose( R.innerJoin((a, b) => a.componentName == b.component_id, R.__, allCharts), R.filter(x => selected.indexOf(x.ChartId) < 0) )(ABOXES); } export function getCanChooseBbox(BBOXES, allCharts, selected) {
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// // Pick the instantiate function // const initSelector = R.pipe( R.filter((c) => c.label === 'default' || c.label === 'new'), R.sortBy((c) => c.args.length), i => R.head(i), (i) => i ? i.selector : undefined, )(contractFile.V3.spec.constructors)
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GitHub: hakantunc/hyp-down
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R.groupBy(o => o.source), => ({ date: new Date(o.updated), title: o.document.title, source:[0].source, content: R.filter(R.complement(R.isNil), R.pluck('exact',[0].selector))[0], text: o.text })), R.reverse(), R.filter(e => dateInBetween(new Date(e.updated), beg, end))
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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
const getJson = url => fetch(url).then(response => response.json()) const transformTunes = R.pipe( // there are bugs in the data, ignore records where the tune id is not a number R.filter(tune => parseInt(tune.tune).toString() === tune.tune), => ({ id: tune.tune, type: tune.type, names: [],
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exports.getOffersEntitiesMap = getOffersEntitiesMap; var getUnusedPrices = function getUnusedPrices(nextPrices, unusedPrices) { return, function (usedHotels) { return R.filter(function (_ref7) { var hotelID = _ref7.hotelID; return !R.includes(hotelID, usedHotels); }, unusedPrices); }), nextPrices);
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
}; exports.getOperator = getOperator; var getActiveOperators = function getActiveOperators() { return (0, _reselect.createSelector)(getOperators(), R.filter(R.prop('active'))); }; exports.getActiveOperators = getActiveOperators; var getCountriesByImmutableStructure = (0, _reselect.createSelector)(domain, function (geo) {
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JSON.stringify, R.when( R.compose(R.equals(0), R.view(lens.attempts)), R.omit(['attempts']) ), R.filter(isUseful) ) module.exports = { fromString,
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
var pipeline = redis.pipeline(); var user = obj.metadata.user; var elements = obj.elements; // Only process ways var ways = R.filter(R.propEq('type', 'way'), elements); var geojsonDiff = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [],
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
i, dup: !!_.find(userPeriods, claim), claim } }), R.filter((claim) => { return !claim.dup }) ) const extra = filter(claimData)
ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)