How to use the forEach function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.forEach code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.forEach is a function that iterates over an array or object and applies a provided function to each element or value.
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return files } const walkDirSync = (dir, callback) => { const files = fs.readdirSync(dir) R.forEach((file) => { let filepath = path.join(dir, file) match(fs.statSync(filepath)) .on( (stats) => stats.isDirectory(),
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R.pipe( R.forEach((x) => { console.log(`${x.url}`); R.pipe( R.prop("errors"), R.forEach((error) => { console.log(`${error.error}`); R.pipe(R.prop("locations"), R.forEach(console.log))(error); console.log(""); })
How does ramda.forEach work?
ramda.forEach works by iterating over an array or object and applying a provided function to each element or value. The ramda.forEach function takes two arguments: the function to apply, and the array or object to iterate over. The function provided as the first argument should accept the current element or value as its first argument, and the index or key of the current element or value as its second argument. Unlike the async.forEach method, ramda.forEach processes each item in the input array or object in series, meaning it waits for the completion of each item before moving on to the next. For example, a ramda.forEach function could be used to iterate over an array of numbers and perform a function on each number: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const R = require('ramda'); function processNumbers(numbers) { R.forEach((number, index) => { const result = doubleNumber(number); console.log(`Processed number ${index}: ${result}`); }, numbers); } function doubleNumber(number) { return number * 2; } const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; processNumbers(numbers); In this example, the processNumbers function takes an array of numbers and uses ramda.forEach to iterate over each number. For each number, the doubleNumber function is called, and the result is logged to the console along with the index of the number in the input array. Note that ramda.forEach is a method provided by the Ramda library, which is a functional programming library for JavaScript.
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console.log('-----------------'+filepath+' NOT ok-----------------'); console.error(e); } } load_expected(); R.forEach(runtest, testfiles); console.log('<<<<'); } let myArgs = process.argv.slice(0, process.argv.length);
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GitHub: dibikhin/treasurer
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prepare_controller, add_error_handlers } // TODO rename to error_handling_strategy function add_error_handlers({ app, error_handlers }) { forEach(eh => app.use(eh), error_handlers) } function prepare_controller({ logger, prefix, controller, error_handling_strategy }) { // for swagger router:
Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); function processNumbers(numbers) { R.forEach((number, index) => { const result = doubleNumber(number); console.log(`Processed number ${index}: ${result}`); }, numbers); } function doubleNumber(number) { return number * 2; } const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; processNumbers(numbers);
In this example, we define a function called processNumbers that takes an array of numbers and uses ramda.forEach to iterate over each number. For each number, the doubleNumber function is called, which simply doubles the input number. The ramda.forEach function processes each item in series, and logs the processed number along with its index to the console. Finally, we call the processNumbers function with an array of numbers, which outputs the following to the console: typescript Copy code
GitHub: muqsitnawaz/deepcoin
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// Get the blocks that diverges from our blockchain'Received blockchain is valid. Replacing current blockchain with received blockchain'); let newBlocks = R.takeLast(newBlockchain.length - this.blocks.length, newBlockchain); // Add each new block to the blockchain R.forEach((block) => { this.addBlock(block, false); }, newBlocks); this.emitter.emit('blockchainReplaced', newBlocks);
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GitHub: muqsitnawaz/deepcoin
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const inputTransactionsInTransaction = R.compose(R.flatten,'inputs'), R.prop('data')))); // Select transactions that can be mined let rejectedTransactions = []; let selectedTransactions = []; R.forEach((transaction) => { // Check if any of the inputs is found in the selectedTransactions or in the blockchain let transactionInputFoundAnywhere = => { let findInputTransactionInTransactionList = R.find( R.whereEq({
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if (!ownerTypeValid({ ownerType })) { throw new ValidationError('ownerType should be one of "user", "team" or "org"') } // Run checks forEach(checkProfileKey, attributes) // Modify the columns for the database const toInsert ={ profileType,
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// clone the current list of cards var newCardList = R.clone(state.cardList); //TODO: Analyse why `return false` doesn't work to break R.forEach R.forEach(x=>{ // Get the current open card if ( === && !x.matched){ //TODO: Convert to
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* R.all, R.any, R.none * R.chain * R.drop, R.dropWhile * R.filter, R.reject * R.find... * R.forEach * R.groupBy, R.groupWith *, R.mapAccum, R.mapAccumRight * R.reduce... * R.scan
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* @return {Array} The original list. * @see R.addIndex * @example * * var printXPlusFive = x => console.log(x + 5); * R.forEach(printXPlusFive, [1, 2, 3]); //=> [1, 2, 3] * // logs 6 * // logs 7 * // logs 8 */
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R.reject(R.either(isModuleExportsExpr, isRequireExpr)), { return 'Top-level declaration `' + + '` ignored in ' + ast.loc.source + ':' + ast.loc.start.line; }), R.forEach(warn) )); // abortIfNotSorted :: List[{*}] -> List[{*}] var abortIfNotSorted = R.tap(R.cond([[
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* const printXPlusFive = x => console.log(x + 5); * R.forEach(printXPlusFive, [1, 2, 3]); //=> [1, 2, 3] * // logs 6 * // logs 7 * // logs 8 * @symb R.forEach(f, [a, b, c]) = [a, b, c] */ var forEach =
+ 7 other calls in file
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// The stacks are listed top-down, but it would be simpler // to process them bottom-up so we can create stacks in the // data-structure sense. R.compose( R.forEach(row => { row.forEach( (item, idx) => { if (item.length == 0) return workingStacks[idx].push(item)
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const { addMutations } = require('./mutations') const { addState } = require('./state') const { propOr, pipe, applyTo, forEach } = require('ramda') exports.addInteraction = (interaction) => { forEach(applyTo(interaction), [ pipe(propOr({}, 'commands'), addCommands), pipe(propOr({}, 'mutations'), addMutations), pipe(propOr({}, 'state'), addState), ])
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currentInotifyInstance.removeWatch(watchDescriptor); } // throws error function removeWatchers(watchDescriptors) { forEach(removeWatcher, watchDescriptors); } function addWatch(path, watchFor, callback = () => {}) { const currentInotifyInstance = getDefaultInotifyInstance();
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