How to use the has function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.has code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.has is a function in the Ramda library that checks if an object has a property with a given key.
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) ) ); const coerceColorOption = R.when( R.has('c'), R.compose( R.dissoc('c'), R.over( R.lens(R.prop('c'), R.assoc('color')),
How does ramda.has work?
ramda.has is a function in the Ramda library that takes a property name and an object and returns true if the specified property is found in the object and false otherwise. It works by using the Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty method to check whether the specified property exists in the object.
GitHub: corporatepiyush/es6
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} console.log("object keys =", _.keys(obj)) console.log("object values =", _.values(obj)) console.log("object add attribute =", _.assoc('height', 1.68, obj)) console.log("object remove attribute =", _.dissoc('nationality', obj)) console.log("object check attribute =", _.has('married', obj)) }
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var withValue = R.curry((value, entity) => R.mergeDeepRight(entity, value)); var withNoValueChange = data => data; const retriveNestedEntity = (name, object) => { const foundProperty = R.has(name, object); if (foundProperty) { return { found: true, value: object[name]
Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const person = { name: "John", age: 30, address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "New York", state: "NY", }, }; console.log(R.has("name", person)); // true console.log(R.has("gender", person)); // false console.log(R.has("street", person.address)); // true
In this example, we use ramda.has to check if a property exists in an object. The first console.log call checks if the name property exists in the person object and returns true. The second console.log call checks if the gender property exists in the person object and returns false. The third console.log call checks if the street property exists in the address object inside the person object and returns true.
GitHub: alexkorban/elm-catalog
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else return Promise.resolve(pkg) }, newPackages), (pkg) => { return R.has("forkOf", pkg) ? Promise.resolve(pkg) : pkgParentPromise(pkg) }, { concurrency: 3 }) .then((updatedPackages) => { // Overwrites the existing file! Fs.writeFileSync("public/tagged-packages.js", "window.packages = \n" + stringify(updatedPackages, { space: 4 }))
+ 3 other calls in file
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// convert it to an array if it is not already an array. Then, for each // object in the array (even if a singleton array), we remove the top-level // of nesting. This unnesting gives us, for example, an array of objects like // [{GranuleUR: ...}, ...] instead of [{Granule: {GranuleUR: ...}}, ...] const extractResults = R.when( R.has("results"), R.pipe( R.pathOr([], ["results", "result"]), // Grab array or single object R.unless(Array.isArray, R.of), // If single object, make an array, R.values)), // Strip top level nesting on all items
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* @param {String} prop The name of the property to check for. * @param {Object} obj The object to query. * @return {Boolean} Whether the property exists. * @example * * var hasName = R.has('name'); * hasName({name: 'alice'}); //=> true * hasName({name: 'bob'}); //=> true * hasName({}); //=> false *
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GitHub: xasdx/sandbox-ramda
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let expected = "hello paul" let obj = { name: "paul", age: 1 } let otherObj = { age: 1 } let greet = obj => `hello ${R.ifElse( R.has("name"), R.prop("name"), R.pipe(R.assoc("name", "paul"), R.prop("name")) )(obj)}`
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GitHub: dqmmpb/define-demos
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] log(sortByNameCaseInsensitive(people)); log(sortByAge(people)); var hasName = R.has('name'); log(hasName({name: 'alice'})); log(hasName({name: 'bob'})); log(hasName({name2: 'clara', age: 11})); log(R.has('age')({name2: 'clara', age: 11}));
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curryJoinPath: R.curry((p, pathX, pathY) => p.join(pathX, pathY)), curryResolvePath: R.curry((p, dir, path) => p.resolve(dir, path)), notEmpty: R.compose(R.not, R.isEmpty), //Responses endpoints onRejected: R.curry((res, err) => { if (R.has('code', err) && R.has('message', err)) { res.status(err.code) .send({result: err.message}) } else { console.error(moment().format(), err)
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); const isBold = (text) => text.TS[2] === 1; const parsePages = (pages, options = {}) => { const hasName = R.has(R.__, options); if (hasName("partition")) { FILTERED_VALUES = R.prop("partition", options); }
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* @param {String} prop The name of the property to check for. * @param {Object} obj The object to query. * @return {Boolean} Whether the property exists. * @example * * const hasName = R.has('name'); * hasName({name: 'alice'}); //=> true * hasName({name: 'bob'}); //=> true * hasName({}); //=> false *
+ 15 other calls in file
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var cache = options.cache = {}; var tagKey = options.tagKey; var styleTagKey = options.styleTagKey; var childrenKey = options.childrenKey; var hasChildrenKey = R.has(childrenKey); var isStyleNode = R.where(R.objOf(tagKey, R.equals(styleTagKey))); return function prefixStyleClassId (value) { var path = this.path;
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var traverse = require('traverse'); module.exports = R.curry(function sanitize (opts, tree) { var options = require('./options')(opts); var namekey = options.namekey; var hasNameKey = R.has(namekey); var tagkey = options.tagkey; var filters = options.filters; return, function (value) {
ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)