How to use the isEmpty function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.isEmpty code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.isEmpty is a function in the Ramda library that checks if a given value is empty, i.e. has zero length or no enumerable properties.
GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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function deployIAMRole(reporter, deployIAMConfig, callback) { const {awsProfile, alexaRegion, skillName, awsRegion, deployState} = deployIAMConfig; const iamClient = new IAMClient({awsProfile, awsRegion}); const roleArn = deployState.iamRole; if (R.isNil(roleArn) || R.isEmpty(roleArn)) { reporter.updateStatus("No IAM role exists. Creating an IAM role..."); _createIAMRole(reporter, iamClient, skillName, (roleErr, iamRoleArn) => { if (roleErr) { return callback(`Failed to create IAM role before deploying Lambda. ${roleErr}`);
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GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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/** * Validates domain info */ validateDomain() { const domainInfo = Manifest.getInstance().getApis(); if (!domainInfo || R.isEmpty(domainInfo)) { throw new CLiError('Skill information is not valid. Please make sure "apis" field in the skill.json is not empty.'); } const domainList = R.keys(domainInfo);
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How does ramda.isEmpty work?
ramda.isEmpty is a function provided by the Ramda library that checks if a given value is empty. To use ramda.isEmpty, developers first import the Ramda library and call the R.isEmpty function with one argument: the value to be checked for emptiness. The R.isEmpty function then checks whether the input is an object or array with a length property, or a string or collection with an isEmpty method. If the length property is equal to zero or the isEmpty method returns true, the function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. ramda.isEmpty is a useful tool for checking whether a value is empty in a variety of scenarios. It is often used as part of a larger process for manipulating and analyzing data in JavaScript programs. Note that ramda.isEmpty differs from the built-in isEmpty function in JavaScript, which only works for strings and arrays. ramda.isEmpty can be used to check if an object, string, or array is empty. Overall, ramda.isEmpty is a helpful function for checking the emptiness of data structures in JavaScript, and is part of the Ramda library's powerful set of utility functions.
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}).setIn(['results', queryId, 'hotels', page], hotels).updateIn(['results', queryId, 'operators'], function () { var prevOperators = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; return R.mergeAll([prevOperators, operators]); }).updateIn(['results', queryId, 'prices'], function () { var prevPrices = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; return R.isEmpty(prices) ? prevPrices :, function (items) { return items[R.dec(page)] = prices, items; }), prevPrices); }); }), _defineProperty(_handleActions, _actions.searchActions.finishSearch, function (state, _ref4) {
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hotelID: hotelID }]); }, ids) }]); }, R.concat(prices, getUnusedPricesFromSearchMemory(queryID)))); return R.isEmpty(groupedByCaregory) ? EMPTY_ARRAY : (_ref18) { var _ref19 = _slicedToArray(_ref18, 1), category = _ref19[0]; return _objectSpread({
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Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const emptyString = ""; const nonEmptyString = "hello"; const emptyArray = []; const nonEmptyArray = [1, 2, 3]; const emptyObject = {}; const nonEmptyObject = { a: 1, b: 2 }; console.log(R.isEmpty(emptyString)); // true console.log(R.isEmpty(nonEmptyString)); // false console.log(R.isEmpty(emptyArray)); // true console.log(R.isEmpty(nonEmptyArray)); // false console.log(R.isEmpty(emptyObject)); // true console.log(R.isEmpty(nonEmptyObject)); // false
In this example, we first import the Ramda library using the require function, and define several variables with different values, including empty and non-empty strings, arrays, and objects. We then use the R.isEmpty function to check whether each variable is empty, and log the result to the console using console.log. When this code runs, it will log true for the variables emptyString, emptyArray, and emptyObject, since they are all empty. It will log false for the variables nonEmptyString, nonEmptyArray, and nonEmptyObject, since they all have one or more elements. This demonstrates how ramda.isEmpty can be used to check whether a value is empty in a variety of scenarios, including strings, arrays, and objects.
GitHub: lilinsong/knownsec
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if (usefulCpus >= task.cpus && ( === '' || === { usefulMachines.push(machine); } } logger.debug('可使用的cpu数为:', unusedCpus); if (unusedCpus <= 0 || R.isEmpty(usefulMachines)) { logger.debug('暂无可用machine'); return false; } logger.debug('可用的machine有:', usefulMachines);
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// Given an object, returns a Map with the same keys & values. // Note: keys will be strings. module.exports.mapFromObject = R.pipe(R.toPairs, R.constructN(1, Map)) module.exports.sample = function sample (array) { if (R.isNil(array) || !Array.isArray(array) || R.isEmpty(array)) { return undefined } return array[(Math.random() * array.length)|0]
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}, function (servicesStore, countryID) { return R.propOr(EMPTY_OBJ, countryID, servicesStore); }); exports.getServicesByCountryID = getServicesByCountryID; var getCommonServicesByCountry = (0, _reselect.createSelector)(getServicesByCountryID, function (servicesMap) { return R.isEmpty(servicesMap) ? servicesMap : { beach: servicesMap.beach, main: servicesMap.main, sport:, child: servicesMap.child,
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* @see R.empty * @example * * R.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]); //=> false * R.isEmpty([]); //=> true * R.isEmpty(''); //=> true * R.isEmpty(null); //=> false * R.isEmpty({}); //=> true * R.isEmpty({length: 0}); //=> false */
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GitHub: areca/misc
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* @param {*} x * @return {Boolean} * @see R.empty * @example * * R.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]); //=> false * R.isEmpty([]); //=> true * R.isEmpty(''); //=> true * R.isEmpty(null); //=> false * R.isEmpty({}); //=> true
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.json({ status: 500, message: "Invalid body payload" }); } const newArticle = req.body; if (R.isNil(newArticle.title) || R.isEmpty(newArticle.title)) { return res .status(500) .json({ status: 500, message: "Invalid title article" }); }
GitHub: simonrumi/deepsheet
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const cellsValidator = function (cells) { const freeOfDupeCells = R.reduce((accumulator, currentCell) => { const dupeCells = R.filter(cell => currentCell.row === cell.row && currentCell.column === cell.column)( accumulator ); return R.isEmpty(dupeCells) ? R.append(currentCell, accumulator) : R.reduced(false); }, []); return freeOfDupeCells(cells) ? true : false; };
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) const branchesMap =, indexRange) const combinationsForIndex = (index, accumMap) => { const branches = branchesMap[index] accumMap[index] = R.isEmpty(branches) ? 1 : R.sum( => accumMap[index], branches)) return accumMap }
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