How to use the isNil function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.isNil code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.isNil is a function that checks whether a given value is null or undefined.
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} const pickProperties = R.flip(pokeprop) const generateLogLevel = statusCode => { if (statusCode < 400 || R.isNil(statusCode)) return 'info' if (statusCode < 500) return 'warn' return 'error' }
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) // Iterator over the numbers [start, end) (i.e. up to, but not including, end). // Has the same semantics as Python's range(). module.exports.range = function* (_start, _end) { const isSingleArgument = R.isNil(_end) const start = isSingleArgument ? 0 : _start const end = isSingleArgument ? _start : _end
How does ramda.isNil work?
ramda.isNil is a function provided by the Ramda library that checks whether a given value is null or undefined. The function takes a single argument, which is the value to be checked, and returns true if the value is null or undefined, and false otherwise. In addition to being useful in its own right for checking whether a value is null or undefined, ramda.isNil is often used as a building block for other Ramda functions that operate on potentially nullable or undefined values. For example, ramda.prop returns the value of a given property on an object, and when used with ramda.isNil, can be used to safely access a nested property without triggering a runtime error if the property is null or undefined. By using ramda.isNil, developers can safely check whether a value is null or undefined, which can help prevent runtime errors in their code.
GitHub: td-memo/memo
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const toPromise = (ra) => ra.match(identity, identity) /** @type {<T>(x: T | undefined | null) => Result<T, undefined>} */ const validateExists = (x) => isNil(x) ? err(undefined) : ok(x) /** @type {<T,E>(r: Result<T,E>) => ResultAsync<T,E>} */ const toAsync = (result) => result.asyncAndThen(okAsync)
GitHub: asan1010/apk
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getKeywords(app) .then(R.slice(0, 20)) .then((kws) => keywordsToLists(kws) .then((lists) => R.zipObj(kws, => ({rank: findRank(list, app), list}))))) .then(R.reject((kwObj) => R.isNil(kwObj.rank))) .then((kwObjs) => { const promises = R.values(R.mapObjIndexed((obj, kw) => getTraffic(kw, obj.list), kwObjs)); return Promise.all(promises) .then((trafficStats) => buildKeywordScores(R.pluck('rank', R.values(kwObjs)), trafficStats))
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Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const value1 = null; const value2 = undefined; const value3 = "foo"; console.log(R.isNil(value1)); // true console.log(R.isNil(value2)); // true console.log(R.isNil(value3)); // false
In this example, we're using ramda.isNil to check whether three different values are null or undefined. We call R.isNil with the value1 variable as its argument. Since value1 is null, R.isNil returns true. We call R.isNil with the value2 variable as its argument. Since value2 is undefined, R.isNil returns true. We call R.isNil with the value3 variable as its argument. Since value3 is a non-null value, R.isNil returns false. The console output will be: arduino Copy code
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const checkDecade = (N) => endsWithZero(N) ? N + checkDecade(N/10) : N + 1 const endsWithZero = (N) => N % 10 === 0 const putBenchmark = (id) => R.isNil(id) ? [] : console.time(`Action (${id}) processed in`) const shootBenchmark = (id) => R.isNil(id) ? [] : console.timeEnd(`Action (${id}) processed in`) const insertGenError = (id,
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* @sig * -> Boolean * @param {*} x The value to test. * @return {Boolean} `true` if `x` is `undefined` or `null`, otherwise `false`. * @example * * R.isNil(null); //=> true * R.isNil(undefined); //=> true * R.isNil(0); //=> false * R.isNil([]); //=> false */
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function handleCOGS(product_id, variant_id, po) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cogsToAdd = prepareCOGSFromPurchaseOrder(po) getCOGSById(product_id, variant_id) .then((exitingCOGS) => { const updatedCOGS = R.isNil(exitingCOGS) ? addCOGSToVariant(product_id, variant_id, cogsToAdd) : updateCOGSToVariant(exitingCOGS, cogsToAdd) upsertCOGS(updatedCOGS) .then((res) => { resolve() })
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const s = sParam.replace(/_/g, ' '); return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1).toLowerCase(); }; const isNilOrEmptyArray = el => { if (!Array.isArray(el)) return true; return R.isNil(el) || R.isEmpty(el); }; const resolvers = { Query: {
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