How to use the mapAccum function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.mapAccum code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.mapAccum is a function that maps over a list, passing an accumulating parameter and the current element to a provided function, and returns an array containing the final accumulated value and a new list with the results of applying the function to each element.
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const all = need => await need(), init); const allEntities = await Promise.all(all); cache = cache.concat(allEntities); return R.compose( R.head, R.mapAccum((acc, data) => [Object.assign(acc, R.head(data)), data], {}) )(allEntities); }; const build = function (entity, useValue, name) {
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* @example * * var digits = ['1', '2', '3', '4']; * var appender = (a, b) => [a + b, a + b]; * * R.mapAccum(appender, 0, digits); //=> ['01234', ['01', '012', '0123', '01234']] */ var mapAccum = _curry3(function mapAccum(fn, acc, list) { var idx = 0; var len = list.length;
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How does ramda.mapAccum work?
is a function in the Ramda library that applies a function to each element of a list, accumulating the results while returning a tuple containing the accumulated value and a new list.
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* * const digits = ['1', '2', '3', '4']; * const appender = (a, b) => [a + b, a + b]; * * R.mapAccum(appender, 0, digits); //=> ['01234', ['01', '012', '0123', '01234']] * @symb R.mapAccum(f, a, [b, c, d]) = [ * f(f(f(a, b)[0], c)[0], d)[0], * [ * f(a, b)[1], * f(f(a, b)[0], c)[1],
+ 7 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const addAndDouble = (acc, x) => [acc + x, 2 * x]; const result = R.mapAccum(addAndDouble, 0, [1, 2, 3, 4]); console.log(result); // [10, [2, 4, 6, 8]]
In this example, mapAccum applies the addAndDouble function to each element of the array [1, 2, 3, 4] and an accumulator 0. The addAndDouble function takes an accumulator and an array element, adds the accumulator and the array element, and returns a tuple with the new accumulator and the doubled array element. The mapAccum function returns a tuple with the final accumulator value and an array with the doubled array elements. In this case, the final accumulator value is 10 and the array with the doubled array elements is [2, 4, 6, 8].
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