How to use the mapAccumRight function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.mapAccumRight code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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* @example * * var digits = ['1', '2', '3', '4']; * var append = (a, b) => [a + b, a + b]; * * R.mapAccumRight(append, 0, digits); //=> ['04321', ['04321', '0432', '043', '04']] */ var mapAccumRight = _curry3(function mapAccumRight(fn, acc, list) { var idx = list.length - 1; var result = [];
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const idx = R.pipe( R.findIndex((cogs) => (cogs.date_from >= cogsToInsert.date_from)), negativeToValueCurried(cogsList.length) )(cogsList) const mergedList = R.insert(idx, cogsToInsert, cogsList) return R.mapAccumRight(setDateAsPrevious, -1, mergedList)[0] } function setDateAsPrevious(obj, accum) {
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* @example * * const digits = ['1', '2', '3', '4']; * const appender = (a, b) => [b + a, b + a]; * * R.mapAccumRight(appender, 5, digits); //=> ['12345', ['12345', '2345', '345', '45']] * @symb R.mapAccumRight(f, a, [b, c, d]) = [ * f(f(f(a, d)[0], c)[0], b)[0], * [ * f(a, d)[1],
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done() }) it('Should fix date_to', function(done) { const mergedList = t.insertCOGSRecord(COGSList, COGSToInsert) const dateCorrectedList = R.mapAccumRight(t.setDateAsPrevious, -1, mergedList)[0] console.log('Corrected list ', dateCorrectedList) dateCorrectedList.should.have.lengthOf(2) dateCorrectedList[0].date_to.should.have.equalDate(moment().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day').toDate()) dateCorrectedList[1].date_from.should.have.equalDate(moment().startOf('day').toDate())
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