How to use the omit function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.omit code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.omit is a function that creates a new object with all properties of the input object except the ones specified in the second argument.
GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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// 1.extract codebase path and runtime let skillJson = fs.readJSONSync(skillJsonPath, "utf-8"); if (skillJson.skillManifest) { // some templates still use "skillManifest" which is the v0 manifest structure skillJson.manifest = R.clone(skillJson.skillManifest); skillJson = R.omit(["skillManifest"], skillJson); } const apisCustom = R.view(R.lensPath(["manifest", "apis", "custom"]), skillJson); const lambdaResources = R.view(R.lensPath(["deploy_settings", profile, "resources", "lambda"]), v1Config); const askResourcesJson = _decideAskResourcesJson(apisCustom, lambdaResources, profile);
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.then(() =>'/v1/projects/1/forms?publish=true') .send(testData.forms.simpleEntity.replace(/people/, 'goodone'))) .then(() => asAlice.patch('/v1/projects/1/forms/withAttachments/draft/attachments/goodone.csv') .send({ dataset: true }) .expect(200) .then(({ body }) => omit(['updatedAt'], body){ name: 'goodone.csv', type: 'file', exists: true, blobExists: false,
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How does ramda.omit work?
ramda.omit is a function that takes an object and an array of property names and returns a new object with all the properties of the original object except for those whose names appear in the array. Internally, it uses Array.prototype.reduce to iterate over the keys of the object and conditionally copy them to a new object, omitting the ones specified in the array. The original object is not modified.
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_id: { $in: => doc._id) }, } ).toArray() for (let i = 0; i < updatedDocs.length; i++) { const actual = omit(['_id', 'updaterId', 'updatedAt'], updatedDocs[i]) const expected = omit(['_id', 'updaterId', 'updatedAt'], expectedUpdatedDocuments[i]) t.strictSame(actual, expected) } })
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const actual = { ...responseDocument } t.ok(Number.isFinite(new Date(actual.updatedAt).getTime())) delete actual.updatedAt t.strictSame(actual, expected) } else { const otherProperties = omit(['_id', 'name'], responseDocument) t.strictSame(otherProperties, UPDATES) } t.end() })
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Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const data = { name: "John", age: 30, gender: "male", }; const result = R.omit(["age"], data); console.log(result); // Output: { name: 'John', gender: 'male' }
In this example, ramda.omit is used to remove the age property from the data object. The resulting object, result, contains all the properties of data except for age.
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} }) const expectedDocsWithExcludedFields = => { const docCopy = { ...doc } return omit(['attachments', 'isbn', 'price'], docCopy) }) t.test('should return only the right fields', async t => { t.plan(1)
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}) t.test('should insert the doc in the database', async t => { t.plan(1) const doc = await collection.findOne({ _id: ret._id }) const docWithoutId = omit(['_id'], doc) t.strictSame(docWithoutId, { name: 'Strange Book', price: 44,
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} function tryParseErrorObjectToString (error) { try { // R.over(R.lensProp('audience_sizes'), R.omit(['fb']), R.omit(['id'], obj)) // const reducedError = R.omit(['stack', 'originalError'], error) const reducedError = R.over(R.lensProp('originalError'), R.omit(['stack']), R.omit(['stack'], error)) const errorAsString = util.inspect(reducedError, true) return `error object:\n${errorAsString}` } catch (e) {
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var mergedMessages = (key) { var updateFromDefaults = _this.config.sourceLocale === locale && (prevCatalog[key].translation === prevCatalog[key].message || options.overwrite); var translation = updateFromDefaults ? nextCatalog[key].message : prevCatalog[key].translation; return (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, key, _objectSpread({ translation: translation }, R.omit(["obsolete, translation"], nextCatalog[key]))); }); // Mark all remaining translations as obsolete // Only if *options.files* is not provided var obsoleteMessages = (key) {
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const { code, config, name, response = {} } = error; const props = R.pickBy(isNotMissing, { code, config, name, response: R.omit(['config', 'request'], response), }); return Object.assign(new Error(message), props); }
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// toString :: Link -> String const toString = R.compose( JSON.stringify, R.when( R.compose(R.equals(0), R.view(lens.attempts)), R.omit(['attempts']) ), R.filter(isUseful) )
GitHub: otpusk/json-api
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nameServices = _yield$makeCall$nameS === void 0 ? {} : _yield$makeCall$nameS; search = _yield$; response = _objectWithoutProperties(_yield$makeCall, ["icons", "tabs", "nameServices", "search"]); isSetCountry = Boolean(Number(country)); countryService = isSetCountry ? search.countryService : response.countryService; searchGroup = isSetCountry ? R.omit(['countryService'], search) : extractServicesFromResponse(R.omit(['countryService'], response)); return _context.abrupt("return", R.mergeAll([{ icons: icons, tabs: tabs }, {
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const contentEditable = !nextProps.viewOnly && nextProps.editable; if (!contentEditable) if ( | 0) return false; } const list = []; const nProps = omit(list, nextProps); const cProps = omit(list, this.props); if (equals(nProps, cProps)) { return false; }
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}); }); }; userSchema.methods.hidePassword = function() { return R.omit(['password', '_id'], this.toObject({ virtuals: true })); }; const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
GitHub: ti2travel/ti2
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const userAppList = async (req, res, next) => { const { params: { userId } } = req; try { const userAppKeys = (await UserAppKey.findAll({ where: { userId } })) .map(userAppKey => userAppKey.dataValues); return res.json({ userAppKeys: => omit(['appKey', 'id'], userAppKey)) }); } catch (err) { return next(err); } };
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* @param {Object} obj The object to copy from * @return {Object} A new object with properties from `names` not on it. * @see R.pick * @example * * R.omit(['a', 'd'], {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}); //=> {b: 2, c: 3} */ var omit = _curry2(function omit(names, obj) { var result = {}; for (var prop in obj) {
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it('returns FAKE_TENANT_CONNECTION_DATA when creating an tenantConnection with all correct params', done => { createTenantConnection(FAKE_TENANT_CONNECTION_DATA) .then(res => { expect(commonMocks.recursivelyOmitProps(['timestamp', 'created'], res)) .toEqual(R.compose( R.omit(privateFields), mergeInsertId, R.over(R.lensProp('metaJson'), JSON.parse) )(FAKE_TENANT_CONNECTION_DATA)); done();
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taxRate : 0.08, subdomain : 'testtenant', metaJson : JSON.stringify({ '1st floor' : [{ foo : 'bar', baz : 'bat' }, { foo : 'bar', baz : 'bat' }] }), status : 1 }, FAKE_TENANT_ORGANIZATION_DATA_INCOMPLETE = R.omit(['email'], FAKE_TENANT_ORGANIZATION_DATA); let mergeInsertId; describe('tenantOrganizationCtrl.createTenantOrganization', () => {
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KNOWN_TEST_TENANT_DATA = R.compose(R.head, commonMocks.transformDbColsToJsProps)(data); KNOWN_TEST_EXISTING_DOMAIN = R.compose(R.prop('domain'), R.last, commonMocks.transformDbColsToJsProps)(data); KNOWN_TEST_TENANT_ID = R.prop('id', KNOWN_TEST_TENANT_DATA); FAKE_TENANT_UPDATE_DATA_EXISTING_DOMAIN = R.objOf('domain', KNOWN_TEST_EXISTING_DOMAIN); updatedTenantData = R.omit(privateFields, R.mergeDeepRight(KNOWN_TEST_TENANT_DATA, FAKE_TENANT_UPDATE_DATA)); done(); }); });
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it('returns all cloudUsers', done => { getAllCloudUsers() .then(res => { res = R.over(birthdayLens, d => d === '0000-00-00' ? d : moment(d).format(CALENDAR_DATE_FORMAT)), R.omit(privateFields) ))(res); expect(commonMocks.recursivelyOmitProps(['timestamp', 'created'], res)) .toEqual(KNOWN_TEST_CLOUD_USER_DATA); done();
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ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)