How to use the over function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.over code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.over is a function that returns a new function which applies a transformation to a specific path in a given object and returns a new copy of the object.
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*/ const coerceUserOption = R.when( R.propSatisfies(R.complement(R.isNil), 'user'), R.compose( R.dissoc('user'), R.over( R.lens(updateHeaderWithUser, R.assoc('header')), R.identity ) )
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} } function tryParseErrorObjectToString (error) { try { // R.over(R.lensProp('audience_sizes'), R.omit(['fb']), R.omit(['id'], obj)) // const reducedError = R.omit(['stack', 'originalError'], error) const reducedError = R.over(R.lensProp('originalError'), R.omit(['stack']), R.omit(['stack'], error)) const errorAsString = util.inspect(reducedError, true) return `error object:\n${errorAsString}`
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How does ramda.over work?
is a higher-order function provided by the Ramda library that allows you to create a new function that applies a given transformation to a specific part of an object or a nested object structure.
When you call ramda.over
with a lens and a transformer function, it returns a new function that expects an object as its argument. When this new function is called with an object, it applies the transformer function to the value that the lens focuses on and returns a new object with the result. The original object remains unchanged.
The lens can be a path to a nested property of an object, or a function that takes an object and returns the value that should be transformed. The transformer function is a function that takes a value and returns the transformed value.
GitHub: bahmutov/focha
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log('shuffling %d describe blocks in "%s"', s.suites.length, s.title) const suitesLens = R.lensProp('suites') const shuffleSuites = R.over(suitesLens, _.shuffle) const shuffleNestedSuites = R.over(suitesLens, function shuffleTests (suite) { if (suite && Array.isArray(suite.tests) && suite.tests.length) { log('shuffling %d unit tests in "%s"',
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injectPluginIndex( constructorName, i => { const pluginLens = lensPath(['plugins', i]) return over(pluginLens, transform, config) }, config ) )
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Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const lensPath = R.lensPath(["x", "y"]); const incY = R.over(lensPath,; const obj = { x: { y: 5 } }; const newObj = incY(obj); console.log(newObj); // { x: { y: 6 } }
In this example, we define a lens path ['x', 'y'] and a transformer function (which increments its input by 1). We then use R.over to create a new transformer function incY that will increment the value at the lens path ['x', 'y']. We apply incY to an object { x: { y: 5 } } to create a new object with the value at the lens path incremented by 1. The resulting object { x: { y: 6 } } is logged to the console.
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}; var convertPricesListToMap = function convertPricesListToMap(prices) { return R.reduce(function (acc, price) { return R.over(R.lensProp(price.hotelID), function (prevPrice) { return prevPrice ? R.over(R.lensProp('offers'), function (offers) { return R.concat(offers, price.offers); }, prevPrice) : price; }, acc); }, {}, prices);
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GitHub: corporatepiyush/es6
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}) //=> 1 _.set(xLens, 4, { x: 1, y: 2 }) //=> {x: 4, y: 2} _.over(xLens, _.negate, { x: 1, y: 2 }) //=> {x: -1, y: 2}
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GitHub: mg901/webpack-with-ramda
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...options, ...obj, }, }); exports.useLensWith = (rules) => R.over(R.lensProp('use'), R.concat(rules)); exports.rulesLensWith = (fn) => R.over(R.lensPath(['module', 'rules']),;
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GitHub: areca/misc
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* * var xyLens = R.lensPath(['x', 'y']); * * R.view(xyLens, {x: {y: 2, z: 3}}); //=> 2 * R.set(xyLens, 4, {x: {y: 2, z: 3}}); //=> {x: {y: 4, z: 3}} * R.over(xyLens, R.negate, {x: {y: 2, z: 3}}); //=> {x: {y: -2, z: 3}} */ var lensPath = _curry1(function lensPath(p) { return lens(path(p), assocPath(p)); });
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GitHub: octachrome/t2
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applySteal: R.curry((amount, context) => { const toSteal = Math.min(amount, R.view(Player.lens(, context).cash); return R.pipe( R.over(Player.lens(, Player.adjustCash(-toSteal)), R.over(activePlayerLens, Player.adjustCash(toSteal)) )(context); }), playerHasCash: (idx, cash) => R.pipe(
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GitHub: octachrome/t2
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[Action.typeEq(, action => ( Executor.claimAction( )], [Action.typeEq(Action.income()), action => ( R.pipe( R.over(activePlayerLens, Player.adjustCash(1)), Game.nextTurn ) )], [Action.typeEq(Action.challenge()), action => (
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GitHub: VesaLahd/aoc2022
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const cave = Array(R.apply(R.multiply)(, normalizeCoordinates(maxDimensions)))).fill('.') const lineComponents = R.compose( R.apply(R.range), R.over(R.lensIndex(1),, R.sort(R.subtract), ) const createWall = R.compose(
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GitHub: jcla1/AdventOfCode
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if (!R.equals(leftNeighbourNum, [])) { n = R.over(R.lensPath(leftNeighbourNum), R.add(ep[0]), n); } if (!R.equals(rightNeighbourNum, [])) { n = R.over(R.lensPath(rightNeighbourNum), R.add(ep[1]), n); } return n; };
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GitHub: akx/advent-of-code-2017
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pair = fn(pair[1], result); } return result; }); const setIndex = (index, value) => R.set(R.lensIndex(index), value); const incrIndex = (index) => R.over(R.lensIndex(index),; const findMaxIndex = (arr) => R.findIndex(R.equals(R.reduce(R.max, 0, arr)))(arr); const nextStep = (banks, index) => (index + 1) % banks.length; const distStep = (banks, index, remaining) => (remaining <= 0 ? banks : distStep(incrIndex(index)(banks), nextStep(banks, index), remaining - 1)); const dist = (banks, index) => distStep(setIndex(index, 0)(banks), nextStep(banks, index), banks[index]);
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* @see R.unless, R.when * @example * * var incCount = R.ifElse( * R.has('count'), * R.over(R.lensProp('count'),, * R.assoc('count', 1) * ); * incCount({}); //=> { count: 1 } * incCount({ count: 1 }); //=> { count: 2 }
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.then(res => { expect(commonMocks.recursivelyOmitProps(['timestamp', 'created'], res)) .toEqual(R.compose( R.omit(privateFields), mergeInsertId, R.over(R.lensProp('metaJson'), JSON.parse) )(FAKE_TENANT_CONNECTION_DATA)); done(); }); });
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.then(res => { expect(commonMocks.recursivelyOmitProps(['timestamp', 'created'], res)) .toEqual(R.compose( R.omit(privateFields), mergeInsertId, R.over(R.lensProp('metaJson'), JSON.parse))(FAKE_TENANT_ORGANIZATION_DATA) ); done(); }); });
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it('returns all cloudUsers', done => { getAllCloudUsers() .then(res => { res = R.over(birthdayLens, d => d === '0000-00-00' ? d : moment(d).format(CALENDAR_DATE_FORMAT)), R.omit(privateFields) ))(res); expect(commonMocks.recursivelyOmitProps(['timestamp', 'created'], res)) .toEqual(KNOWN_TEST_CLOUD_USER_DATA);
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GitHub: VesaLahd/aoc2022
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return R.compose( R.reduce((acc, [item, target]) => R.over( R.compose(R.lensIndex(target), R.lensProp('items')), R.append(item) )(acc), R.__,, targetMonkeys)), R.over(currentMonkey, R.assoc('items', [])), R.over(R.compose(currentMonkey, R.lensProp('inspects')), R.add(R.length(worries))) )(monkeys) })
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* * R.view(xHeadYLens, {x: [{y: 2, z: 3}, {y: 4, z: 5}]}); * //=> 2 * R.set(xHeadYLens, 1, {x: [{y: 2, z: 3}, {y: 4, z: 5}]}); * //=> {x: [{y: 1, z: 3}, {y: 4, z: 5}]} * R.over(xHeadYLens, R.negate, {x: [{y: 2, z: 3}, {y: 4, z: 5}]}); * //=> {x: [{y: -2, z: 3}, {y: 4, z: 5}]} */
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GitHub: rolfst/strapi-fp
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likedByUser: { $toBool: { $size: '$likedByUser' } } } /* basic */ const matchLens = R.lensPath([0, '$match', '$and']) /** addMatcher : SemiGroupoid a -> MatchTarget -> MatchTarget */ const addMatcher = (setter, lens = matchLens) => R.over(lens, setter) const _arrOnCondition = (fn) => compose( alt(Maybe.of([])), map(Array.of),
ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)