How to use the path function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.path code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ramda.path is a function that retrieves the value of a nested object property, based on a given path of keys.
GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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const lambdaClient = new LambdaClient({awsProfile, awsRegion}); // check if user sets userConfig with "sourceLambda" field to reuse existing Lambda const sourceLambdaArn = alexaRegion === "default" ? R.path(["sourceLambda", "arn"], userConfig) : R.path(["regionalOverrides", alexaRegion, "sourceLambda", "arn"], userConfig); if (stringUtils.isNonBlankString(sourceLambdaArn)) { return _loadLambdaFromUserConfigSource(reporter, lambdaClient, sourceLambdaArn, (loadErr, sourceLambdaData) => { callback(loadErr, loadErr ? undefined : sourceLambdaData); });
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GitHub: alexa/ask-cli
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*/ _getAlexaDeployRegions(regionsList, userConfig) { const deployRegions = {}; regionsList.forEach((alexaRegion) => { const awsRegion = alexaRegion === "default" ? userConfig.awsRegion : R.path(["regionalOverrides", alexaRegion, "awsRegion"], userConfig); deployRegions[alexaRegion] = awsRegion || defaultAlexaAwsRegionMap[alexaRegion]; }); return deployRegions; }
How does ramda.path work?
is a function in the Ramda library that takes a list of property names and an object, and returns the value of the nested property with the given path within the object.
For example, if we have an object person
with properties name
and address
, and address
has a nested property city
, we can get the city value using ramda.path(['address', 'city'], person)
GitHub: dmcquay/katas
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
} function deepDotEquals(obj1, obj2) { const paths = _enumeratePaths(obj1); const pathsWithEquals = paths.filter( (p) => typeof R.path(p, obj1).equals === "function" ); let obj1Clone = R.clone(obj1); let obj2Clone = R.clone(obj2); for (const p of pathsWithEquals) {
GitHub: pagarme/escriba
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
return !R.contains(false, validationResult) } const isIronMaskVendor = vendor => { if (!, vendor)) return false if (!, R.path(['create'], vendor))) return false if (!, vendor.create({}))) return false return true }
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Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const user = { id: 123, name: "John Doe", address: { city: "New York", country: "USA", }, }; const cityName = R.path(["address", "city"], user); // 'New York' const stateName = R.path(["address", "state"], user); // undefined
In the above example, ramda.path is used to retrieve the value of the city property from the address object in the user object. It takes an array of property names or indexes as its first argument and an object as its second argument. It returns the value at the specified property path or undefined if the path doesn't exist.
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(p) => p.value, noNullElementArray( => (p?.type?.isArray === true ? : undefined), rootStructTypes)) ) const protoTypesGen ={ addOn, isEnum, isScalar, type }) => { if (isScalar || R.path('scalar', type)) { generatedScalars.push(type) } if (!isEnum) { return addOn
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const idMappings = reduceMatchedKeyPaths(manifest).map( ({ matchedKeyPath }) => { return { id: nanoid(), filePath: R.path(matchedKeyPath, manifest).replace( requireRegexp, (match, p1) => p1, ), keyPath: matchedKeyPath,
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exports.getHotelsMarkers = getHotelsMarkers; var getCenterByHotelsMarkers = function getCenterByHotelsMarkers() { return (0, _reselect.createSelector)(getHotelsMarkers(), function (markers) { return !R.isEmpty(markers) ?{ latitude: R.path(['position', 'lat']), longitude: R.path(['position', 'lng']) })), _geolib.getCenter, R.applySpec({ lat: R.prop('latitude'), lng: R.prop('longitude')
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GitHub: com2u/SVTrain
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const isTheRightKid = (kid) => (publicKey) => publicKey.kid === kid const findPublicKeyFromKid = (publicKey) => (kid) => find(isTheRightKid(kid))(publicKey) const getKid = path(['header', 'kid']) const decode = compose(curryN(2), flip)(jwt.decode) const getUserFromPublicKey = (token) => compose(makeUser, verify(token))
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const get_token_from_header = R.compose( either_utils.if_nil_else( generate_token_undefined_err, extract_auth_header ), R.path(['headers', 'authorization']) ) /* Extract the encrypted jwt token from the cookies.
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return process.exit(1) } const instantiateEvent = R.find(R.pathEq(['event', 'method'], 'Instantiating'), console.log('instantiateEvent: ', instantiateEvent) const contractId = R.path(['event', 'data', 'contract'], instantiateEvent) console.log('Instantiated contract ID: ', contractId) try { await checkUntilEq(
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/* * Apply MAPPINGS for each application in list from root path */ function extract (root, data) { const input = R.path(root, data); if (input === undefined) return []; return, input); }
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} async function pagedSearch({ client, url, options = {}, _hits = 0, _count = 0 }) { const scrollIdPath = ['headers', 'cmr-scroll-id']; const pageNumPath = ['params', 'pageNum']; const getScrollId = R.path(scrollIdPath); const getPageNum = R.pathOr(1, pageNumPath); const getPageSize = R.pathOr(10, ['params', 'pageSize']); const nextOptions = (id) => id ? R.assocPath(scrollIdPath, id, options)
GitHub: moyataka/amberik-core
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
retain: R.always(max_retain), } }) const purge = R.dissoc(cur_name) const getKeepCtxName = R.path(['_keep', 'ctx', 'name']) return (prev, nex) => { const has_keep = hasContextName('_keep')(nex) if (has_keep) {
GitHub: muqsitnawaz/deepcoin
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let isInputTransactionsUnspent = R.all(R.equals(false), R.flatten( => { return R.pipe( R.prop('transactions'), R.path(['data', 'inputs']), R.contains({ transaction: txInput.transaction, index: txInput.index }) )) ), referenceBlockchain); },;
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rungSpecsRemove(landscapeVideoProps.height) ), addRungSpecHeightsAndWidths(aspectRatio), when( R.pipe( R.path(['limits', 'finalBitrateMax']), R.isNil, R.not ), rungSpecsCapMaxBitrate
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* @category Object * @sig s -> {s: a} -> a | Undefined * @param {String} p The property name * @param {Object} obj The object to query * @return {*} The value at `obj.p`. * @see R.path * @example * * R.prop('x', {x: 100}); //=> 100 * R.prop('x', {}); //=> undefined
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GitHub: areca/misc
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* @param {Object} obj The object to retrieve the nested property from. * @return {*} The data at `path`. * @see R.prop * @example * * R.path(['a', 'b'], {a: {b: 2}}); //=> 2 * R.path(['a', 'b'], {c: {b: 2}}); //=> undefined */ var path = _curry2(function path(paths, obj) { var val = obj;
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GitHub: avanzu/node-packages
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const makeError = (reason) => new Error(`${reason}`) const toError = when(complement(is(Error)), makeError) const descriptionOrMessage = either( pick(['message', 'errors', 'data']), path(['props', 'description']) ) const conditionOf = pathOr('', ['props', 'condition']) const statusOf = propOr(500, 'code')
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converter = new CSVConverter({}); const getAllCloudUsers = require('../../../../server/core/controllers/api/cloudUser/getAllCloudUsers'); const COMMON_PRIVATE_FIELDS = R.path(['api', 'COMMON_PRIVATE_FIELDS'], config), USER_PRIVATE_FIELDS = R.path(['api', 'USER_PRIVATE_FIELDS'], config), CALENDAR_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; const privateFields = R.concat(COMMON_PRIVATE_FIELDS, USER_PRIVATE_FIELDS);
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* @see R.prop, R.nth * @example * * R.path(['a', 'b'], {a: {b: 2}}); //=> 2 * R.path(['a', 'b'], {c: {b: 2}}); //=> undefined * R.path(['a', 'b', 0], {a: {b: [1, 2, 3]}}); //=> 1 * R.path(['a', 'b', -2], {a: {b: [1, 2, 3]}}); //=> 2 */
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ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)