How to use the pathOr function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.pathOr code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The ramda.pathOr function returns the value at the specified path of an object, or a default value if the path is not found or the value is undefined.
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return } const comments = [`# ${pathOr(key, [...path, "title"], schema)} ##`, ""] const description = pathOr("", [...path, "description"], schema) if (description) { comments.push(" " + description.split("\n").join("\n "), "") }
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const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const { EOL } = require('os') const env = (e, def) => R.pathOr(def, ['env', e], process) const log = (ref, off = env('LOG_OFF', false)) => { !off && console.log(typeof ref === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(ref) : ref) return ref
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How does ramda.pathOr work?
is a function that allows you to retrieve the value at a given path of an object or an array, but it returns a default value if the path does not exist in the target object/array or if the target itself is null/undefined.
It takes three arguments: the default value to return if the path does not exist, the path itself as an array of strings or numbers, and the target object or array. It first uses the ramda.path
function to try to retrieve the value at the specified path, and if that returns undefined
or null
, it returns the default value instead.
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}); }; exports.getNightsWithMinPrice = getNightsWithMinPrice; var getMeta = (0, _reselect.createSelector)(searchByKey, R.propOr(EMPTY_OBJ, 'meta')); var getOperatorsLinks = (0, _reselect.createSelector)(getMeta, R.pathOr(EMPTY_OBJ, ['links', 'operators'])); var getOperatorLink = (0, _reselect.createSelector)(getOperatorsLinks, function (_, _ref21) { var operatorID = _ref21.operatorID; return operatorID; }, function (links, id) {
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"NOTTO, NHA", UPDATE_TEMPLATE_ID); } async function sendNotificationToEmergencyDetailsIfUpdated(profileFromReq, userData) { if (validateEmergencyMobileNumberUpdated(profileFromReq, userData)) { const notifyName = R.pathOr("", ["notificationDetails", "name"], profileFromReq); const notifyNumber = R.pathOr("", ["notificationDetails", "mobileNumber"], profileFromReq); await sendNotification(notifyNumber, `Dear Mr/Ms ${notifyName},\\n` + `This is to inform you that Mr/Ms ${profileFromReq.personalDetails.firstName} ${profileFromReq.personalDetails.middleName} ${profileFromReq.personalDetails.lastName} has pledged for Organ/Tissue donation.\\n` + "\\n" +
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Ai Example
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const R = require("ramda"); const data = { name: { first: "John", last: "Doe", }, age: 25, }; const firstName = R.pathOr("N/A", ["name", "first"], data); // 'John' const lastName = R.pathOr("N/A", ["name", "last", "middle"], data); // 'N/A' const middleName = R.pathOr("N/A", ["name", "middle"], data); // 'N/A'
In this example, pathOr is used to get the first name, last name middle name properties from an object named data. If the property does not exist, pathOr returns a default value specified as the first argument ('N/A' in this example).
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}) ).join(EOL)} }` } const fieldTypeConverter = (prop) => R.pathOr('undefined_type_error', ['type'], prop) const convertType = (t) => R.or(typeConverter(t), t) const generate = (message, schema, stringFormatter = scalars.stringFormatter) => {
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if (source.identifierType instanceof Object) { result.identifierType = { ...source.identifierType, id: ramda.pipe( ramda.pathOr(undefined, ['identifierType', 'id']), (id) => (id ? id.trim() : id) )(source), }; } else {
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function mergeDeepRight$1 (obj1, obj2) { return R.mergeDeepRight(obj1, obj2) } function pathOr$1 (defaultValue, path, obj) { return R.pathOr(defaultValue, path, obj) } function propOr$1 (defaultValue, key, obj) { return R.propOr(defaultValue, key, obj)
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validate() { try { const { body } = this.request; const { email, password } = body; const deviceId = pathOr(undefined, ['device', 'deviceId'], body); if(email === undefined) { throw new HttpError(400, 'email can not be empty'); } if(password === undefined) {
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* the specified error's `""` property (which is assumed * to be a parsed object) */ function extractErrors(error) { return R.pipe( R.pathOr([], ["response", "data", "errors"]), R.unless( Array.isArray, R.pipe( R.prop("error"),
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GitHub: moyataka/amberik-core
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) if (diff_ctxs.length == 0) { //protected multiple time dcr retain //each ctx can be only dcr once at most per event const prev_cur_retain = R.pathOr(0, [cur_name, 'retain'])(prev) const nex_cur_retain = R.pathOr(0, [cur_name, 'retain'])(nex) if (prev_cur_retain !== nex_cur_retain) { return nex
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pages: clone(pathOr([], ["project", "pagesOrder"], state)) }; }; const getPagesToRestore = (state, action) => { return { activePage: pathOr("", ["project", "activePage"], state), pagesOrder: pathOr([], ["project", "pagesOrder"], state), pages: pathOr([], ["project", "pages"], state) }; };
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return pathOr(0, [props.type, "showAlert"], state.assets); }; const getLoadingDeleteByType = (state, props) => { if (props.fromToolbar) { return pathOr(false, [props.type, "loadingDeleteToolbar"], state.assets); } return pathOr(false, [props.type, "loadingDelete"], state.assets); };
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GitHub: areca/misc
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* @param {Object} obj The object to retrieve the nested property from. * @return {*} The data at `path` of the supplied object or the default value. * @example * * R.pathOr('N/A', ['a', 'b'], {a: {b: 2}}); //=> 2 * R.pathOr('N/A', ['a', 'b'], {c: {b: 2}}); //=> "N/A" */ var pathOr = _curry3(function pathOr(d, p, obj) { return defaultTo(d, path(p, obj)); });
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GitHub: TourConnect/ti2-xola
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}, }, Unit: { unitId: R.path(['id']), unitName: R.pathOr('', ['label']), subtitle: R.pathOr('', ['label']), type: R.prop('label'), pricing: () => [], restrictions: R.propOr({}, 'restrictions'), },
GitHub: TourConnect/ti2-xola
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64`${}.axios.error`, { request: args[0], err: errMsg, }); } throw R.pathOr(err, ['response', 'data', 'error'], err); }); this.tokenTemplate = () => ({ sellerId: { type: 'text',
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* @param {Array} p The path to use. * @param {Object} obj The object to retrieve the nested property from. * @return {*} The data at `path` of the supplied object or the default value. * @example * * R.pathOr('N/A', ['a', 'b'], {a: {b: 2}}); //=> 2 * R.pathOr('N/A', ['a', 'b'], {c: {b: 2}}); //=> "N/A" */ var pathOr = _curry3(function pathOr(d, p, obj) { return defaultTo(d, path(p, obj));
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return state; }; const getCompleteVariable = function(variable, configs) { const varType = pathOr(null, ["type"], variable); return mergeDeepRight(variable, { general: pathOr({}, ["general"], configs), specific: pathOr({}, [varType + "Cfg"], configs) });
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GitHub: avanzu/node-packages
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const toError = when(complement(is(Error)), makeError) const descriptionOrMessage = either( pick(['message', 'errors', 'data']), path(['props', 'description']) ) const conditionOf = pathOr('', ['props', 'condition']) const statusOf = propOr(500, 'code') const releasable = (target, props) => Object.assign(target, { props, conclude: (delivery) => delivery.release(props) })
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return promise.then(async () => { log('>>> Running batch number:', index + 1, `(size: ${batch.length})`); const values = await Promise.all( => fn().catch(e => console.error(e)))); const results = => R.pathOr({ result: data }, ['cpanelresult', 'data', 0], data)); const failed = results.filter(x => (x.result || {}).status != 1); log(`${values.length - failed.length}/${values.length}`); failed.length && log(JSON.stringify(failed, null, 2));
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}, []) } const getResponseDataAtPath = (path, responseData, fields) => { if (path.length === 0) { const pathReponseData = R.pathOr({}, ["form", "schema"], responseData) return getDeficienciesFromAnswers(pathReponseData, responseData.moduleName, fields) } else { const truePath = ["subfolders", ...R.intersperse("subfolders", path), "form", "schema"] const trueModuleName = R.pathOr("", ["subfolders", ...R.intersperse("subfolders", path), "moduleName"], responseData)
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ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)