How to use the pipeWith function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.pipeWith code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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* @typedef {Object.<string, any>} Entity * @param {...(Entity[] => Promise<Entity[]>)} pipes * @returns high level pipe */ compose = (...pipes) => async (input) => { return R.pipeWith(R.andThen, pipes)(input) } /** * Deduplicates entities by specified property
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* @param {...Function} functions * @return {Function} * @see R.composeWith, R.pipe * @example * * const pipeWhileNotNil = R.pipeWith((f, res) => R.isNil(res) ? res : f(res)); * const f = pipeWhileNotNil([Math.pow, R.negate,]) * * f(3, 4); // -(3^4) + 1 * @symb R.pipeWith(f)([g, h, i])(...args) = f(i, f(h, g(...args)))
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* * const pipeWhileNotNil = R.pipeWith((f, res) => R.isNil(res) ? res : f(res)); * const f = pipeWhileNotNil([Math.pow, R.negate,]) * * f(3, 4); // -(3^4) + 1 * @symb R.pipeWith(f)([g, h, i])(...args) = f(i, f(h, f(g, ...args))) */ var pipeWith = /*#__PURE__*/_curry2(function pipeWith(xf, list) {
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