How to use the prepend function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.prepend code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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}); const view = R.curry((actions$, model) => { const counters =$), model.counters); return h('div', R.prepend(h('button.add', {on: {click: [actions$, Action.Insert()]}}, 'Add'), counters) ); });
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on: {click: [actions, Action.Insert()]} }, 'Add counter') const view = R.curry((actions, model) => { const counters =, model.counters) return h('div', R.prepend(addBtn(actions), counters)) }) module.exports = {init, Action, update, view}
GitHub: Morozzko/React_Blank_App
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// bug in 'stylelint-custom-processor-loader' configPath resolution const isESLintLoader = both(prop('loader'), propSatisfies(includes('eslint-loader'), 'loader')) const addStylelintCustomProcessorLoader = path => config => edit( prepend({ loader: require.resolve('stylelint-custom-processor-loader'), options: { configPath: path, emitWarning: true,
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* @sig a -> [a] -> [a] * @param {*} el The element to add to the end of the new list. * @param {Array} list The list whose contents will be added to the beginning of the output * list. * @return {Array} A new list containing the contents of the old list followed by `el`. * @see R.prepend * @example * * R.append('tests', ['write', 'more']); //=> ['write', 'more', 'tests'] * R.append('tests', []); //=> ['tests']
+ 35 other calls in file
GitHub: octachrome/t2
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random: (min, max) => State(seed => Pair(Rand._random(seed, min, max), Rand._nextSeed(seed))), shuffle: list => list.length <= 1 ? State.of(list) : Rand.random(0, list.length - 1).chain(i => Rand.shuffle(R.remove(i, 1, list)).map(tail => R.prepend(list[i], tail))) }; ///// Player
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GitHub: octachrome/t2
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const rollPairS = () => randomS(1, 6).chain(r1 => randomS(1, 6).map(r2 => [r1, r2])); // console.log(rollPairS().runWith(mkStdGen(3))); // const push = a => State(s => Pair(null, R.prepend(a, s))); // const pop = () => State(s => Pair(s[0], R.remove(0, 1, s))); // const add = () => pop().chain(a => pop().map(b => a + b)); // const op = push(1).chain(() => push(2)).chain(() => add()); // console.log(op.runWith([]));
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GitHub: jcla1/AdventOfCode
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const countOrbits = curry((orbitMap, p) => orbitMap[p] ? 1 + countOrbits(orbitMap, orbitMap[p]) : 0); const orbitPath = curry((orbitMap, p) => orbitMap[p] ? prepend(p, orbitPath(orbitMap, orbitMap[p])) : ['COM']); const longestCommonPrefix = compose(map(head), takeWhile(apply(equals)), zip); const orbitMap = compose(
GitHub: jsdevlib/js-samples
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R.filter(filterByWeather),, R.sortWith([R.descend(city => city.score)]), R.take(10),, R.prepend(interestingProps), table, )(cities); console.log(topCities);
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const create = (item) => { if (isValidData(item) && !findName(, items)) { const id = getNextId(items); let newItem = {}; items = R.compose( R.prepend(R.__, items), R.assoc('id', id), R.assoc('createdAt', new Date().toISOString()), R.assoc('updatedAt', new Date().toISOString()) )(item);
GitHub: jcla1/AdventOfCode
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const matchingParens = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}', '<': '>'}; const isOpen = R.flip(R.includes)(R.keys(matchingParens)); const isMatchingClose = (l, r) => (matchingParens[l] === r); const findLineMismatch = R.reduce((stack, p) => { if (isOpen(p)) return R.prepend(p, stack); [top, ...stack] = stack; if (!isMatchingClose(top, p)) return R.reduced(p);
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)(newSeries); const mapIndexed = R.addIndex(; const fold = f => l => R.reduce(f, R.head(l), R.tail(l)); const others = limit => label => R.compose( R.prepend(label), fold(R.zipWith(R.add)),, R.drop(limit) );
+ 7 other calls in file
ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)