How to use the when function from ramda
Find comprehensive JavaScript ramda.when code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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} /** * Appends authorization header when supplied with "user" option. */ const coerceUserOption = R.when( R.propSatisfies(R.complement(R.isNil), 'user'), R.compose( R.dissoc('user'), R.over(
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return R.zipWith(aEqB, ks, vs).join(separator); }; const tableClause = tableSql(schema, table); const updateClause = sqlZip(',', update); const whereClause = R.when(Boolean, R.concat('WHERE '), sqlZip(' AND ', where)); const queryName = options.returning ? '_update_returning' : '_update'; return _prepare(sqlFormatter, queries, queryName, [tableClause, updateClause, whereClause]); };
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) // toString :: Link -> String const toString = R.compose( JSON.stringify, R.when( R.compose(R.equals(0), R.view(lens.attempts)), R.omit(['attempts']) ), R.filter(isUseful)
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exports.selectOperators = selectOperators; var getSearchProgressByPercent = (0, _reselect.createSelector)(selectOperators(), function (operators) { return, R.filter(Boolean), R.length, function (doneOperatorsCount) { return doneOperatorsCount * 100 / R.keys(operators).length; }, R.when(function (count) { return !count; }, R.always(0))), operators); }); exports.getSearchProgressByPercent = getSearchProgressByPercent;
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GitHub: zhentian-wan/ADT-demo
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const incMoves = () => over("moves", limitMoves(inc)); const markSelected = id => assignBy(propEq('id', id), {selected: true}) const assignBy = (pred, obj) => when(pred, assign(obj)); const over = (key, fn) => modify(mapProps({ [key]: fn })); const selectCard = id => over('cards', map(markSelected(id)))
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* @returns {Object[]} a possibly empty array of the `umm` properties of the * `items` in the specified response object */ const transformUMMJSONResponse = R.pipe( R.tryCatch(JSON.parse, (_parseError, response) => { throw new Error(response) }), R.when(R.hasIn("items"), R.pipe(R.prop("items"),"umm")))), ); /** * Response transformer used by {@link findConcepts} when called with the
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if (filename) { const maxLength = 24; const extension = R.compose(R.last, R.split('.'))(filename); const filenameNoExt = R.compose(R.join('.'), R.dropLast(1), R.split('.'))(filename); const cleanFileName = R.when( R.compose(R.gte(R.__, maxLength), R.length), () => R.join('….', [R.slice(0, maxLength, filenameNoExt), extension]) )(filename); return cleanFileName;
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* @return {*} Either `x` or the result of applying `x` to `whenTrueFn`. * @see R.ifElse, R.unless * @example * * // truncate :: String -> String * var truncate = R.when( * R.propSatisfies(, 10), 'length'), * R.pipe(R.take(10), R.append('…'), R.join('')) * ); * truncate('12345'); //=> '12345'
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GitHub: VesaLahd/aoc2022
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)(tree) }) const takeTrees = R.curry((takeFn, split) => R.compose( R.length, R.when(R.compose(R.not, R.equals(R.length(split)), R.length), R.append(1)), takeFn )(split) )
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GitHub: TheoPinardin/test-js
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initGen(item_list) const cloneGen = () => {}; const getOneAtRandom = () => candidates[Math.random() * 100 % candidates.length]; const mute1 = R.when(() => Math.random() - 0.95 > 0, getOneAtRandom()); const mute2 = () => {}; const fixPop = () => {}; const scoreOne = R.pipe(R.slice(0, 5), R.pluck('value'),) const scorePop = R.pipe(, R.sum);
GitHub: avanzu/node-packages
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const panic = (error) => { throw error } const makeError = (reason) => new Error(`${reason}`) const toError = when(complement(is(Error)), makeError) const descriptionOrMessage = either( pick(['message', 'errors', 'data']), path(['props', 'description']) )
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const bandsOnDate = (date) => { const month = moment.utc(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD'); return R.compose( R.when(R.isNil, () => { throw noBandsError(date); }), R.prop('bands'), R.last,
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* @return {*} Either `x` or the result of applying `x` to `whenTrueFn`. * @see R.ifElse, R.unless, R.cond * @example * * // truncate :: String -> String * const truncate = R.when( * R.propSatisfies(, 10), 'length'), * R.pipe(R.take(10), R.append('…'), R.join('')) * ); * truncate('12345'); //=> '12345'
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GitHub: octachrome/t2
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R.prop('players'), R.reject(Player.isDead), R.length(), R.equals(1)); Game.checkOver = R.when(Game.isOver, R.set(State.lens, {id: State.GAME_OVER})); Game.nextTurn = game => R.pipe( R.evolve({whoseTurn: turn => (turn + 1) % game.players.length}), R.set(State.lens, {id: State.START_OF_TURN})
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R.reject(R.isEmpty), R.split(','), R.pathOr('', ['params', 'services']) )(req); const maybeFilterByServices = R.when( () => services.length, R.filter(R.compose( R.includes(R.__, services), R.prop('serviceName')
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[T, pipe(always(otherwise), reject)], ])(dispatchTable) }) const makeDefault = (fn) => assoc('default', fn, {}) const makeDispatchTable = when(pipe(is(Object), not), makeDefault) module.exports = (dispatchTable) => { const callables = makeDispatchTable(dispatchTable)
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const series = R.compose(, => invert ? R.adjust(invertDecimal, 1, s) : s)), normalizeMax(granularity), R.when(R.always(cumulative),, )(newSeries); const mapIndexed = R.addIndex(; const fold = f => l => R.reduce(f, R.head(l), R.tail(l));
ramda.clone is the most popular function in ramda (30311 examples)