How to use the LinearFilter function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.LinearFilter code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
three.LinearFilter is a type of texture filtering used in Three.js that takes the four nearest texels and linearly interpolates between them to determine the pixel color.
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image.onload = function () { = texture; texture.image = image; texture.flipY = false; texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; texture.needsUpdate = true; material.needsUpdate = true; finish(); };
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texture.format = THREE.RedFormat; texture.type = typedArrayToThree(; texture.generateMipmaps = false; texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; texture.wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping; texture.wrapS = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping; texture.needsUpdate = true;
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How does three.LinearFilter work?
three.LinearFilter is a type of texture filtering method used in three.js, where texels (texture pixels) are interpolated using linear interpolation to determine the color of the pixel at the sampling point, producing a smooth texture image. This filtering method is optimized for textures that are displayed smaller or larger than their actual size.
GitHub: K3D-tools/K3D-jupyter
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64, 64, THREE.RedFormat, THREE.UnsignedByteType, ); jitterTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; jitterTexture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; jitterTexture.wrapS = THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping; jitterTexture.wrapT = THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping; jitterTexture.generateMipmaps = false;
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GitHub: tentone/geo-three
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const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = color; context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); const texture = new three.Texture(canvas); texture.format = three.RGBAFormat; texture.magFilter = three.LinearFilter; texture.minFilter = three.LinearFilter; texture.generateMipmaps = false; texture.needsUpdate = true; return texture;
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Ai Example
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// create a texture object and load an image const texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load("texture.jpg"); // set the magnification filter to linear interpolation texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
In this example, THREE.LinearFilter is assigned to the magFilter property of the texture object to specify that linear interpolation should be used when magnifying the texture.
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GitHub: mattdesl/filmic-gl
![mattdesl profile picture](/mattdesl.png?size=40)
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fragmentShader: fxaaShader.fragment }); var lookupTexture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("img/lookup_film.png"); lookupTexture.genMipmaps = false; lookupTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; lookupTexture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; lookupTexture.wrapS = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping; lookupTexture.wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
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GitHub: mattdesl/xmas
![mattdesl profile picture](/mattdesl.png?size=40)
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nrm.minFilter = nrm.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter nrm.generateMipmaps = false var tex = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(matCapUrl) //mcap1, mcap4 tex.wrapS = tex.wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping tex.minFilter = tex.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter tex.generateMipmaps = false var mat = material(tex, nrm, reflectionCube, 1.0) var capMat = material(tex, nrm, reflectionCube, 0.0)
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GitHub: peter-hutsul/h5tiny
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var THREE = require("three"), Sprite = THREE.Sprite, SpriteMaterial = THREE.SpriteMaterial, CanvasTexture = THREE.CanvasTexture, sRGBEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding, LinearFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; class Canvas2D extends Sprite { constructor(width, height) { const renderer = new Tiny.CanvasRenderer(width, height, { transparent: true });
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var samplers = json.samplers || {}; var sampler = samplers[textureDef.sampler] || {}; texture.magFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.magFilter] || THREE.LinearFilter; texture.minFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.minFilter] || THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter; texture.wrapS = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[sampler.wrapS] || THREE.RepeatWrapping;
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near: 0.0001, position: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -0.1) }) var texture = new THREE.Texture() texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter texture.generateMipmap = false // transparent canvas to start (white) var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
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texture.flipY = false; if ( ) =; const samplers = json.samplers || {}; const sampler = samplers[ textureDef.sampler ] || {}; texture.magFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[ sampler.magFilter ] || THREE.LinearFilter; texture.minFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[ sampler.minFilter ] || THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter; texture.wrapS = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[ sampler.wrapS ] || THREE.RepeatWrapping; texture.wrapT = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[ sampler.wrapT ] || THREE.RepeatWrapping; parser.associations.set( texture, {
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texture.flipY = false; if ( =; const samplers = json.samplers || {}; const sampler = samplers[textureDef.sampler] || {}; texture.magFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.magFilter] || three.LinearFilter; texture.minFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.minFilter] || three.LinearMipmapLinearFilter; texture.wrapS = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[sampler.wrapS] || three.RepeatWrapping; texture.wrapT = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[sampler.wrapT] || three.RepeatWrapping; parser.associations.set(texture, { textures: textureIndex });
GitHub: amatelus/paintcoin
![amatelus profile picture](/amatelus.png?size=40)
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'posy.jpg', 'negy.jpg', 'posz.jpg', 'negz.jpg', ]); textureCube.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; this.material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ roughness: 0.8, metalness: 1,
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this.worldGrid = worldGrid; this.cubeCamera = new THREE.CubeCamera(1, 1000, 128); this.cubeCamera.renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = true; this.cubeCamera.renderTarget.texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; // this.cubeCamera.renderTarget.texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; this.cubeCamera.renderTarget.texture.mapping = THREE.CubeReflectionMapping; this.scene.add(this.cubeCamera);
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GitHub: JordanMachado/fluctus
![JordanMachado profile picture](/JordanMachado.png?size=40)
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var loader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); loader.load('images/displace.jpg',(texture)=> { let textureDisplacement = texture; textureDisplacement.minFilter = textureDisplacement.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; textureDisplacement.wrapS = textureDisplacement.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; this.displacementPass.params.uDisplacement = textureDisplacement; });
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const { mipmaps, width, height, format, type, error, dfdTransferFn, dfdFlags } = transcodeResult; if (type === 'error') return Promise.reject(error); const texture = new three_1.CompressedTexture(mipmaps, width, height, format, three_1.UnsignedByteType); texture.minFilter = mipmaps.length === 1 ? three_1.LinearFilter : three_1.LinearMipmapLinearFilter; texture.magFilter = three_1.LinearFilter; texture.generateMipmaps = false; texture.needsUpdate = true; texture.encoding = dfdTransferFn === KTX2TransferSRGB ? three_1.sRGBEncoding : three_1.LinearEncoding; texture.premultiplyAlpha = !!(dfdFlags & KTX2_ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED);
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79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 = data; texture.image.width = size; texture.image.height = size * size; texture.type = three_1.UnsignedByteType; texture.magFilter = three_1.LinearFilter; texture.minFilter = three_1.LinearFilter; texture.wrapS = three_1.ClampToEdgeWrapping; texture.wrapT = three_1.ClampToEdgeWrapping; texture.generateMipmaps = false; texture.needsUpdate = true;
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GitHub: star8ks/sketch
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}]).then(ready); function ready() { const tex = assets.get('tex-id'); tex.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; const audioBuffer = assets.get('audio-boing'); // a global audio source const audioListener = new THREE.AudioListener();
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_texture.type = texture.type !== undefined ? WEBGL_TEXTURE_DATATYPES[texture.type] : THREE.UnsignedByteType; if (texture.sampler) { var sampler = json.samplers[texture.sampler]; _texture.magFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.magFilter] || THREE.LinearFilter; _texture.minFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.minFilter] || THREE.NearestMipmapLinearFilter; _texture.wrapS = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[sampler.wrapS] || THREE.RepeatWrapping; _texture.wrapT = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[sampler.wrapT] || THREE.RepeatWrapping; }
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GitHub: VeinKowal/veins
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this.width = viewerDiv.clientWidth; this.height = viewerDiv.clientHeight; this.positionBuffer = null; this._nextThreejsLayer = 1; this.fullSizeRenderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget(this.width, this.height); this.fullSizeRenderTarget.texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; this.fullSizeRenderTarget.texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; this.fullSizeRenderTarget.depthBuffer = true; this.fullSizeRenderTarget.depthTexture = new THREE.DepthTexture(); this.fullSizeRenderTarget.depthTexture.type = THREE.UnsignedShortType;
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