How to use the NormalBlending function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.NormalBlending code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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var material = new _threeModule.LineBasicMaterial({ vertexColors: false, color: 0x880000, linewidth: 5, blending: _threeModule.NormalBlending }); this.controller1.add(new _threeModule.Line(geometry, material)); this.controller2.add(new _threeModule.Line(geometry, material));
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: juanuys/boids
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color, transparent: true, opacity: 0.9, wireframe: false, depthWrite: false, blending: THREE.NormalBlending }); this.mesh.add(new THREE.Mesh(geometry, meshMaterial)); this.mesh.add(new THREE.LineSegments(new THREE.WireframeGeometry(geometry), lineMaterial)); }
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mat.depthWrite = false; mat.transparent = true; mat.opacity = 0; mat.side = THREE.FrontSide; // mat.blending = THREE.AdditiveBlending mat.blending = THREE.NormalBlending; let n = i / 2; mat.t_ = n * Math.PI * 2; // 球面变化速度 mat.speed_ = this.state.blintSpeed;
three.Vector3 is the most popular function in three (22341 examples)