How to use the callExpression function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.callExpression code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/types.callExpression is a method used to determine if a given AST node represents a function call expression in a JavaScript program.
GitHub: qooxdoo/qooxdoo
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if (name.startsWith("super")) { path.node.arguments.unshift(thisArgument); } else { path.node.arguments[0] = thisArgument; } let callExpr = types.callExpression(expr, path.node.arguments); path.replaceWith(callExpr); } else if ( name == "this.base.apply" || name == ""
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path: NodePath<>, dependency: InternalDependency, state: State, ): void { path.replaceWith( t.callExpression(t.identifier('require'), [ createModuleIDExpression(dependency, state), t.stringLiteral(, ]), );
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How does @babel/types.callExpression work?
is a function provided by the Babel library that creates an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) node representing a function call expression. The function call expression is defined by two components: the callee, which is the function being called, and the arguments, which are the values passed to the function.
The @babel/types.callExpression
function takes in two arguments: the callee
argument, which is an expression node representing the function being called, and the args
argument, which is an array of expression nodes representing the values passed to the function.
The resulting AST node represents the function call expression and can be used in further processing of JavaScript code by Babel or other tools.
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false, true, ); let objectPattern = t.objectPattern([objectProperty]); let callee = t.identifier(USE_TRANSLATION_FUN); let useTranslationCall = t.callExpression(callee, []); let tDeclarator = t.variableDeclarator(objectPattern, useTranslationCall); const node = t.variableDeclaration('const', [tDeclarator]); return node; };
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GitHub: youtube/cobalt
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]; args =; args = args.concat(randomArguments(path)); return babelTypes.callExpression( babelTypes.identifier('__callRandomFunction'), args); }
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Ai Example
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const t = require("@babel/types"); // Create an AST node representing the call expression 'foo(42)' const callExpressionNode = t.callExpression(t.identifier("foo"), [ t.numericLiteral(42), ]);
In this example, we are using @babel/types to create a call expression that invokes a function called foo with a single argument of the numeric literal 42.
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itemExpression = getInputJsxExpression(item) } const expression = t.jsxExpressionContainer( t.callExpression( t.callExpression(t.identifier('getFieldDecorator'), [ t.stringLiteral(key), t.objectExpression(configArray) ]), itemExpression
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GitHub: C-EO/octicons

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const {code} = generate( t.variableDeclaration('const', [ t.variableDeclarator( t.identifier(name), t.addComment( t.callExpression(t.identifier('createIconComponent'), [ // The name of the generated icon t.stringLiteral(name), // The className used on the underlying <svg> element t.stringLiteral(`octicon octicon-${key}`),
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} if (fnName) { // AST of `{foo('baz')}` attribute.value = t.jSXExpressionContainer( t.callExpression(t.identifier(fnName), [ t.stringLiteral(nameSpacedId), ]), ); }
GitHub: ruleenginejs/ruleengine
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return generateObjProperty('handler', step.handler); } addDepModule(REQUIRE_FROM_STRING_VAR, REQUIRE_FROM_STRING_MODULE, scope); return t.objectProperty( t.identifier('handler'), t.callExpression(t.identifier(REQUIRE_FROM_STRING_VAR), [ t.stringLiteral(step.handler) ]) ); }
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GitHub: N0taN3rd/Emu

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} static indexOfWhatEq0 (id, what) { return btypes.binaryExpression( '===', btypes.callExpression(EH.memberExpression(id, 'indexOf'), [ EH.makeStringLiteral(what) ]), btypes.numericLiteral(0) )
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value: node.arguments[0].quasis[0].value.raw, }; } else if (options.synchronousImport) { const str = node.arguments[0]; const newNode = t.expressionStatement( t.callExpression(t.import(), [str]) ); // @ts-ignore newNode.__replaced = true;
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if (isAssignment) { const value = superProp.parentPath.node.right; args.push(value); } const call = t.callExpression(t.identifier(superBinding), args); if (isCall) { superProp.parentPath.unshiftContainer("arguments", t.thisExpression()); superProp.replaceWith(t.memberExpression(call, t.identifier("call")));
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console.log(generator(node, genOpts).code) } const expectToAva = { toBeGolden: (actual, filePath) => btypes.callExpression( btypes.memberExpression( btypes.memberExpression( btypes.identifier('t'), btypes.identifier('context')
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return types.callExpression(newCallee, newArguments); } } else if (destNode.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' && destNode.callee.object.type === 'Identifier' && === 'Identifier') { return types.callExpression(destNode.callee, arguments_); } } } },
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}); ` }; const buildReexportsFromMeta = (meta, metadata, constantReexports) => { const namespace = metadata.lazy ? t.callExpression(t.identifier(, []) : t.identifier(; const { stringSpecifiers } = meta; return Array.from(metadata.reexports, ([exportName, importName]) => {
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if (arrayLikeIsIterable) { args.unshift(this.hub.addHelper(helperName)); helperName = "maybeArrayLike"; } return t.callExpression(this.hub.addHelper(helperName), args); } hasLabel(name) { return !!this.getLabel(name);
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// When normalization is not needed we need to manually compile text into vNodes for (var j = 0; j < vChildren.elements.length; j++) { var aChild = vChildren.elements[j]; if (aChild.type === 'StringLiteral') { vChildren.elements[j] = t.callExpression( t.identifier(opts.pragmaTextVNode || 'createTextVNode'), [aChild] ); }
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GitHub: caiwuu/Typex
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) } function converJSX(path) { if (path.isJSXElement()) { const tagName = return t.callExpression(t.identifier('h'), [ tagName.charCodeAt(0) < 96 ? t.identifier(tagName) : t.stringLiteral(tagName), convertAttribute(path.node.openingElement.attributes), t.ArrayExpression( path
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ifAttr.value.expression, t.returnStatement(ifNode), getAlternteAST(elseIfBindings, elseBinding) ) ])); const targetAST = t.callExpression(callee, []); path.replaceWith(targetAST); } function getAlternteAST(elseIfBindings, elseBinding, index=0) {
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return expr; } break; } // Pass it to insulate. return t.callExpression(t.identifier(insulateFunction), [expr]); }; const makeSafeImport = (local) => { if (local.type === 'Identifier' &&
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if (t.isAssignmentPattern(obj)) { args[i] = obj.left } }) var me = t.memberExpression(t.thisExpression(), t.identifier(newFunName)) var callExp = t.callExpression(me, args) var expStatement = t.expressionStatement(callExp) var blockStatement = t.blockStatement([expStatement]) var funExp = t.functionExpression(null, args, blockStatement) onLoadFunNode.value = funExp
@babel/types.identifier is the most popular function in @babel/types (20936 examples)