How to use the identifier function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.identifier code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/types.identifier represents an identifier in a JavaScript AST.
GitHub: qooxdoo/qooxdoo
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t._requireClass(str, { usage: "dynamic", location: path.node.loc }); }, exit(path) { if (t.__analyser.isAddCreatedAt()) { var fn = types.memberExpression( types.identifier("qx"), types.identifier("$$createdAt") ); var tmp = types.callExpression(fn, [
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GitHub: alijk-fe/motor-rax

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
} else { tagId = createBinding( genExpression( t.memberExpression( t.identifier(node.__slotChildEl.scopeName.value), t.identifier('__tagId') ) ) ); }
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How does @babel/types.identifier work?
@babel/types.identifier is a module provided by Babel that represents an identifier in a JavaScript abstract syntax tree (AST). An identifier is a name that is used to refer to a variable, function, or other named entity in a program. In the context of the AST, an identifier node contains the name of the identifier as a string. For example, the AST node for the identifier foo would be represented as { type: 'Identifier', name: 'foo' }. The @babel/types.identifier module provides a constructor function that can be used to create identifier nodes. Here is an example of using the Identifier constructor to create an identifier node: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const t = require("@babel/types"); const identifierNode = t.identifier("foo"); console.log(identifierNode); // Output: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'foo' } In this example, we use the identifier method from the @babel/types module to create an identifier node for the name "foo". The resulting object has a type property of 'Identifier' and a name property of 'foo'. The @babel/types.identifier module also provides various utility methods for working with identifier nodes, such as checking whether a given AST node is an identifier using the t.isIdentifier method.
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state.asyncRequireModulePathStringLiteral = types.stringLiteral( options.asyncRequireModulePath, ); if (options.dependencyMapName != null) { state.dependencyMapIdentifier = types.identifier( options.dependencyMapName, ); } else { state.dependencyMapIdentifier =
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t.identifier(I8N_FUNC_NAME), false, true, ); let objectPattern = t.objectPattern([objectProperty]); let callee = t.identifier(USE_TRANSLATION_FUN); let useTranslationCall = t.callExpression(callee, []); let tDeclarator = t.variableDeclarator(objectPattern, useTranslationCall); const node = t.variableDeclaration('const', [tDeclarator]); return node;
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Ai Example
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const t = require("@babel/types"); const identifierNode = t.identifier("myVar"); console.log(identifierNode); // Output: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'myVar' }
In this example, we create an identifier node with the name "myVar" using the t.identifier method from the @babel/types module. The resulting object has a type property of 'Identifier' and a name property of 'myVar'. This identifier node can be used as a child node in other types of AST nodes, such as a variable declaration.
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t.objectProperty( t.identifier('name'), t.stringLiteral(, ), t.objectProperty( t.identifier('unique'), t.booleanLiteral(Boolean(value.unique)), ), value.type && t.objectProperty( t.identifier('type'),
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GitHub: youtube/cobalt
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
const LARGE_NODE_SIZE = 100; const MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT = 10; function _identifier(identifier) { return babelTypes.identifier(identifier); } function _numericLiteral(number) { return babelTypes.numericLiteral(number);
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function isFragment(name) { return name === 'Fragment' || name === 'Inferno.Fragment' || name === 'React.Fragment'; } var NULL = t.identifier('null'); // All special attributes var PROP_HasKeyedChildren = '$HasKeyedChildren'; var PROP_HasNonKeyedChildren = '$HasNonKeyedChildren';
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changeObjectAccessMode() { traverse(this.ast, { MemberExpression(path) { if (t.isStringLiteral( { let name = = t.identifier(name) path.node.computed = false } }, })
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GitHub: groupon/swagql

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t.objectProperty( t.identifier('resolve'), t.arrowFunctionExpression( [t.identifier('obj')], t.memberExpression( t.identifier('obj'), t.stringLiteral(propKey), true ) )
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// NormalizeProps will normalizeChildren too if (vProps.needsNormalization) { fileState.set('normalizeProps', true); createVNodeCall = t.callExpression( t.identifier(opts.pragmaNormalizeProps || 'normalizeProps'), [createVNodeCall] ); }
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]) ) ])))) } else { exArray.push(t.objectProperty(t.identifier('render'), t.arrowFunctionExpression([ t.identifier('val'), t.identifier('record'), t.identifier('index'), ], t.BlockStatement([ t.returnStatement(
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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
if (item.format) { attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('format'), t.stringLiteral(item.format))) } if (item.options) { attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('options'), t.jSXExpressionContainer( t.identifier(injectKey) ))) } childArray.push( t.jsxElement(
401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410
))) } disabledModeExpress = t.jsxExpressionContainer( t.conditionalExpression( t.identifier('isEditMode'), t.JSXElement(t.jsxOpeningElement(t.jsxIdentifier('TableColumnRender'), attrArray, true), null, [], true
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GitHub: limesquid/r-factor
98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
mergePropsDefinitionPath, furthestConnectAncestorPath ]); } connectArguments[0] = identifier(mapStateToPropsName); return this; }
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const properties = [] Object.keys(platformMap).forEach(p => { properties.push( t.objectProperty( t.identifier(platformMap[p]), t.booleanLiteral(p === platformName) ) ) })
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if({ global.template.current?global.template.current.userEvent.forEach((per)=>{>{ if(per.value =={ let clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item)); clone.key = t.identifier(per.key);; } }) }):[];
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t.jsxIdentifier("aria-labelledby"), t.jsxExpressionContainer( t.conditionalExpression( t.memberExpression(t.identifier("props"), t.identifier("title")), t.stringLiteral(nameSpacedId), t.identifier("undefined"), ), ), ), );
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), toBeLessThan: (actual, expected) => btypes.callExpression( btypes.memberExpression( btypes.identifier('t'), btypes.identifier('true') ), [btypes.binaryExpression('<', actual, expected)] ), toBeGreaterThan: (actual, expected) =>
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GitHub: gxlmyacc/react-vue-like

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function key2ObjCall(key, value, t, index) { !index && (index = 0); if (key.length - 1 <= index) return objValueStr2AST(value, t); return t.callExpression( t.memberExpression( t.identifier('Object'), t.identifier('assign') ), [ t.objectExpression([]),
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37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
}) let createPiniaAst = types.expressionStatement( types.callExpression( types.memberExpression( types.identifier('app'), types.identifier('use') ), [types.callExpression(types.identifier('createPinia'), [])] ) )
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@babel/types.identifier is the most popular function in @babel/types (20936 examples)