How to use the stringLiteral function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.stringLiteral code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/types.stringLiteral is a tool used in JavaScript for creating a string literal node in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of JavaScript code.
GitHub: qooxdoo/qooxdoo
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} if (qx.lang.Type.isRegExp(value)) { return types.regExpLiteral(value.toString()); } if (qx.lang.Type.isDate(value)) { return types.stringLiteral(value.toString()); } if (qx.lang.Type.isArray(value)) { var arr = [];
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t.identifier(USE_TRANSLATION_FUN), t.identifier(USE_TRANSLATION_FUN), ); return t.importDeclaration( [importSpecifier], t.stringLiteral(IMPORT_SOURCE), ); }; const createUseTranslationExpression = function () {
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How does @babel/types.stringLiteral work?
@babel/types.stringLiteral is a function provided by the @babel/types library that is used in JavaScript for creating a string literal node in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of JavaScript code. To use @babel/types.stringLiteral, developers first import the function from the @babel/types library. They can then call the function with one argument: a string representing the value of the string literal. The @babel/types.stringLiteral function then creates an AST node representing the string literal with the specified value. This node can be included in an AST representation of JavaScript code. The @babel/types.stringLiteral function also supports additional options that can be passed as a second argument, such as specifying the location of the string literal in the source code. @babel/types.stringLiteral is a useful tool for manipulating and generating AST nodes for JavaScript code. It is often used as part of a larger process for transforming or analyzing JavaScript code programmatically.
GitHub: haojy/weact

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path.node.attributes = [ t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier('is'), t.stringLiteral(templateName)), t.jSXAttribute( t.jSXIdentifier('data'), t.stringLiteral(`{{${templateData}}}`) ), ] path.node.selfClosing = false path.parent.closingElement = t.jSXClosingElement(
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GitHub: kerwin-ly/Blog

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traverse(ast, { ClassDeclaration(path) { const local = t.Identifier('SENTRY_PROVIDERS'); const imported = t.Identifier('SENTRY_PROVIDERS'); const specifiers = [t.ImportSpecifier(local, imported)]; const source = t.stringLiteral('@core/sentry'); const importDeclaration = t.importDeclaration(specifiers, source); console.log(importDeclaration); },
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Ai Example
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const t = require("@babel/types"); const stringLiteral = t.stringLiteral("Hello, world!"); console.log(stringLiteral);
In this example, we first import the t object from the @babel/types library. We then create a string literal node using the t.stringLiteral function and pass in the string "Hello, world!" as the argument. We store the resulting string literal node in a variable called stringLiteral, and log it to the console using console.log(stringLiteral). When this code runs, it will create a string literal node representing the string "Hello, world!" in an AST representation of JavaScript code, and log the resulting node to the console. This demonstrates how @babel/types.stringLiteral can be used to create a string literal node in an AST representation of JavaScript code.
GitHub: gluestack/dank-style
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path.node.value = types.stringLiteral( path.node.value.quasis[0].value.raw ); } if (types.isIdentifier(path.node.key)) { path.node.key = types.stringLiteral(; } if (types.isNumericLiteral(path.node.key)) { path.node.key = types.stringLiteral(path.node.key.extra.raw); }
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t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('type'), t.stringLiteral(action.type)), t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('record'), t.jSXExpressionContainer(t.identifier('record'))), ] if (action.type === 'delete') { attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('visible'), t.jSXExpressionContainer(t.booleanLiteral(!!showDelete)))) attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('name'), t.stringLiteral( attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('primaryKey'), t.stringLiteral(primaryKey))) attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('onClick'), t.jSXExpressionContainer(t.identifier('handleRemove')))) } if (action.type === 'detail') {
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const attrArray = [ t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('value'), t.jSXExpressionContainer(t.memberExpression(t.identifier('current'), t.identifier(item.key)))), t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('mode'), t.stringLiteral('detail')) ] if (item.showType) { attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('showType'), t.stringLiteral(item.showType))) } if (item.format) { attrArray.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('format'), t.stringLiteral(item.format))) }
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[], true ), t.callExpression( t.callExpression(t.identifier('getFieldDecorator'), [ t.stringLiteral(key), t.objectExpression(configArray) ]), itemExpression )
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GitHub: Leman-li/tanfu.js
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var _Object$prototype$toS; if (value instanceof TanFuObjectExpression) return value.expression; if (value instanceof TanFuArrayExpression) return value.expression; if (t.isExpression(value)) return value; if (typeof value === 'string') return t.stringLiteral(value); if (typeof value === 'number') return t.numericLiteral(value); if (typeof value === 'boolean') return t.booleanLiteral(value); if ((_Object$prototype$toS = === null || _Object$prototype$toS === void 0 ? void 0 : _Object$prototype$toS.includes('Object')) return ObjectExpression(value); if ('Array')) return ArrayExpression(value);
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t.jSXAttribute( t.jsxIdentifier("aria-labelledby"), t.jsxExpressionContainer( t.conditionalExpression( t.memberExpression(t.identifier("props"), t.identifier("title")), t.stringLiteral(nameSpacedId), t.identifier("undefined"), ), ), ),
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GitHub: ruleenginejs/ruleengine
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} addDepModule(REQUIRE_FROM_STRING_VAR, REQUIRE_FROM_STRING_MODULE, scope); return t.objectProperty( t.identifier('handler'), t.callExpression(t.identifier(REQUIRE_FROM_STRING_VAR), [ t.stringLiteral(step.handler) ]) ); }
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plugins: ['jsx'] }); if (t.isJSXOpeningElement(ast.openingElement) && ['Preview', 'Canvas'].includes( && !hasStoryChild(ast)) { const canvasAst = ast.openingElement; canvasAst.attributes.push(t.jsxAttribute(t.jsxIdentifier('mdxSource'), t.stringLiteral(getMdxSource(ast.children)))); } const { code
GitHub: Liangliang0107/wjshook
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} function gen_Node(funcName, body) { let _arguments = [ types.stringLiteral("当前 Hook 函数名称: " + funcName + " " + "点击展开详细"), types.identifier("arguments")] body.unshift(types.callExpression(types.identifier("WjsHook_log"), _arguments)) if (Debug) body.unshift(types.debuggerStatement()); //debugger 插桩 }
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for (const attr of openingElement.node.attributes) { // 4.1 JSXAttribute => more sophisticated scheme if (attr.type === 'JSXAttribute') { const name = attrPropDict[] || Object.keys(propDict[tagName] || {}).find(e => e.toLowerCase() === ||; const value = attr.value ? attr.value.expression ? attr.value.expression : attr.value : t.stringLiteral(''); // 4.1.1 transpile `on${event}` handlers if (name.startsWith('on')) { const event = name.slice(2).toLowerCase();
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const currentScope = this._findScopeUid(path, scopeData); if (scopeUidToData.has(currentScope.uid)) { const scopeData = scopeUidToData.get(currentScope.uid); = t.stringLiteral(scopeData.getString(parseInt(callNode.arguments[0].value))); } this._shuffleInnerArray( currentScope,
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const generateCode = require('./generateCode') const moduleExports = require('./moduleExports') function getKey(encoded) { if (/\d/.test(encoded[0])) { return t.stringLiteral(encoded) } return t.identifier(encoded) }
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GitHub: ghx9908/webpack
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depModulePath = require.resolve(depModuleName) } this.fileDependencies.add(depModulePath) //获取依赖的模块的ID,修改语法树,把依赖的模块名换成模块ID let depModuleId = "./" + path.posix.relative(baseDir, depModulePath) node.arguments[0] = types.stringLiteral(depModuleId) //把依赖的块ID和依赖的模块路径放置到当前模块的依赖数组中 module.dependencies.push({ depModuleId, depModulePath,
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btypes.importSpecifier( btypes.identifier(, btypes.identifier( ) ), btypes.stringLiteral('./helpers/utils') ) } return btypes.importDeclaration( [btypes.importNamespaceSpecifier(btypes.identifier('utils'))],
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let typeName = typeof obj; switch (typeName) { case 'number': return types.numericLiteral(obj); case 'string': return types.stringLiteral(obj); case 'boolean': return types.booleanLiteral(obj); default: return null;
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state.globals.add(; }); const decl = t.importDeclaration( specifiers, t.stringLiteral(str.value) ); // @ts-ignore decl.__replaced = true;
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@babel/types.identifier is the most popular function in @babel/types (20936 examples)