How to use the exportDefaultDeclaration function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.exportDefaultDeclaration code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The @babel/types.exportDefaultDeclaration represents a default export statement in a module.
GitHub: niksy/modernizr-esm
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
// Add `createAsyncTestListener` function declearation path.insertBefore(asyncTestListenerNode()); // Export `Modernizr` as default export instead of `addTest` path.replaceWith( t.exportDefaultDeclaration(t.identifier('Modernizr')) ); } }, MemberExpression(path) {
+ 7 other calls in file
GitHub: ats1999/next.js
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
) ) ) ), ]), t.exportDefaultDeclaration(t.identifier(componentName)), ] return t.program(body, [], 'module') }
+ 3 other calls in file
How does @babel/types.exportDefaultDeclaration work?
@babel/types.exportDefaultDeclaration is a module provided by Babel that allows you to create an AST node representing an export default declaration in a JavaScript module. In detail, this function takes an expression (which is the default export) as an argument and returns an object representing the export default declaration with the given expression as its value. This AST node can then be used to generate JavaScript code using a tool like Babel.
GitHub: ruleenginejs/ruleengine
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
t.stringLiteral(moduleName) ); } function generateDefaultExport(varName) { return t.exportDefaultDeclaration(t.identifier(varName)); } function generateValue(value, isSubstitutions = false, scope = null) { switch (kindOf(value)) {
+ 57 other calls in file
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
const ImportDeclarationLess = t.importDeclaration([], t.stringLiteral(src)) return ImportDeclarationLess } exports.ExportDeclatationDefault = function ExportDeclatationDefault(exportId) { const exportDefaultDeclaration = t.exportDefaultDeclaration(t.Identifier(exportId)) return exportDefaultDeclaration } // 生成 ClassDeclaration
Ai Example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
const t = require("@babel/types"); const declaration = t.functionDeclaration( t.identifier("foo"), [], t.blockStatement([t.returnStatement(t.stringLiteral("Hello, world!"))]) ); const exportDefaultDeclaration = t.exportDefaultDeclaration(declaration); console.log(exportDefaultDeclaration);
This will output: yaml Copy code
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} else { programPath.unshiftContainer("body", exportsAlias); programPath.unshiftContainer("body", moduleExportsAlias); } const defaultExport = t.exportDefaultDeclaration( t.memberExpression(t.identifier("module"), t.identifier("exports")) ); path.node.__replaced = true;
+ 10 other calls in file
GitHub: dfreeman/declgen
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
}) ) ]), { declare: true } ), t.exportDefaultDeclaration(t.identifier('config')) ]); let code = `// This is an autogenerated file. Do not edit it directly.\n${generate(declaration).code}`;
+ 11 other calls in file
@babel/types.identifier is the most popular function in @babel/types (20936 examples)