How to use the genericTypeAnnotation function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.genericTypeAnnotation code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/types.genericTypeAnnotation is a function in Babel that creates a new generic type annotation node.
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} if (type.indexOf('DataTypes.TEXT') > -1) { return t.stringTypeAnnotation(); } if (type.indexOf('DataTypes.DATE') > -1) { return t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier('Date')); } if (type.indexOf('DataTypes.FLOAT') > -1) { return t.numberTypeAnnotation(); }
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return `${methodName[0].toUpperCase()}${methodName.slice(1)}Payload` } class FlowBuilder extends AbstractJsBuilder { buildUnion(object/*: Union*/) { const variants = => bt.genericTypeAnnotation(bt.identifier(name))) const ast = bt.declareTypeAlias( bt.identifier(, undefined, bt.unionTypeAnnotation(variants)
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How does @babel/types.genericTypeAnnotation work?
The @babel/types.genericTypeAnnotation is a function provided by the Babel compiler tool that creates an object node representing a generic type annotation in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of a JavaScript program. The generic type annotation is used to indicate a type parameter that can be replaced with an actual type when the code is compiled or executed. The function takes an argument specifying the identifier for the type parameter and returns an object node that can be added to the AST.
GitHub: deecewan/jsroutes-types
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t.identifier('toString'), t.functionTypeAnnotation(null, [], null, t.stringTypeAnnotation()), ), ]), ); const stringableValue = t.genericTypeAnnotation(stringableId); const validValueId = t.identifier('ValidValue'); const validValueType = t.declareTypeAlias( validValueId,
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202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 => { if (refTypeName) { props.push( readOnlyObjectTypeProperty( '$refType', t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(refTypeName)), ), ); } return unmasked
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Ai Example
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import { types as t } from "@babel/core"; const myGenericType = t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier("Array"), [ t.numberTypeAnnotation(), ]);
In this example, myGenericType represents the generic type Array .
GitHub: jaredly/graphql-flow
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switch ( { case 'Boolean': return t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier('boolean')) case 'ID': case 'String': return t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier('string')) case 'Int': case 'Float': return t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier('number')) case 'JSONString':
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226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 => { if (fragmentTypeName) { props.push( readOnlyObjectTypeProperty( '$refType', t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(fragmentTypeName)), ), ); } return unmasked
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} } function transformGraphQLEnumType(type: GraphQLEnumType, state: State) { state.usedEnums[] = type; return t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(; } function transformInputType(type: GraphQLInputType, state: State) { if (type instanceof GraphQLNonNull) {
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schema: Schema, type: EnumTypeID, state: State, ) { state.usedEnums[schema.getTypeString(type)] = type; return t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(schema.getTypeString(type))); } function transformInputType( schema: Schema,
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function declareExportOpaqueType(name: string, value: string): $FlowFixMe { return t.declareExportDeclaration( t.declareOpaqueType( t.identifier(name), null, t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(value)), ), ); }
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return [selection]; }); state.generatedFragments.add(; var fragmentTypes = getFragmentTypes(, getRefetchableQueryPath(state, node.directives)); var refTypeName = getRefTypeName(; var refTypeDataProperty = readOnlyObjectTypeProperty('$data', t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier("".concat(, "$data")))); refTypeDataProperty.optional = true; var refTypeFragmentRefProperty = readOnlyObjectTypeProperty('$fragmentRefs', t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(getOldFragmentTypeName(; var refType = t.objectTypeAnnotation([refTypeDataProperty, refTypeFragmentRefProperty]); var dataTypeName = getDataTypeName(;
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); const operationTypes = [ t.objectTypeProperty( t.identifier('variables'), t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(`${}Variables`)), ), t.objectTypeProperty( t.identifier('response'), t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(`${}Response`)),
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TypeCastExpression.validParent = true; function NewExpression(node) { if (this.get("callee").isIdentifier()) { return t.genericTypeAnnotation(node.callee); } } function TemplateLiteral() {
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@babel/types.identifier is the most popular function in @babel/types (20936 examples)