How to use the isTSInterfaceDeclaration function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration is a function in the @babel/types library for JavaScript that determines whether a given AST node represents a TypeScript interface declaration.
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} } else if (t.isTypeAlias(node) || t.isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { comment.kind = 'typedef'; } else if ( t.isInterfaceDeclaration(node) || t.isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node) ) { comment.kind = 'interface'; } else if (t.isVariableDeclaration(node)) { if (node.kind === 'const') {
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programPath.node.body.forEach((node) => { if (t.isImportDeclaration(node)) { ImportDeclarations.push(node) } if (!TSInterfaceDeclaration && t.isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { TSInterfaceDeclaration = node } if (!ExportDefaultDeclaration && t.isExportDefaultDeclaration(node)) {
How does @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration work?
When you use @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration in your JavaScript code, you are using a function that determines whether a given AST node represents a TypeScript interface declaration. To use @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration, you pass an AST node as an argument, and it returns a boolean value that indicates whether the node is a TypeScript interface declaration. An AST node is a representation of a JavaScript code structure, created by a parser. Here is an example of using @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration to check if a node represents a TypeScript interface declaration: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const t = require('@babel/types'); const node = /* an AST node representing a TypeScript interface declaration */; if (t.isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { console.log('This is a TypeScript interface declaration'); } else { console.log('This is not a TypeScript interface declaration'); } In this example, we are using @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration to check whether an AST node represents a TypeScript interface declaration. We pass the node as an argument to the function, and then use an if statement to check whether the function returns true. If it does, we log a message to the console indicating that the node is a TypeScript interface declaration. Overall, @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration is a useful utility function that can be used in a wide range of JavaScript applications that work with AST nodes, such as code analysis tools and compilers.
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t.isClassDeclaration(declaration) || t.isFunctionDeclaration(declaration) || t.isTypeAlias(declaration) || t.isInterfaceDeclaration(declaration) || t.isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(declaration) || t.isTSInterfaceDeclaration(declaration) || t.isTSEnumDeclaration(declaration) || t.isTSDeclareFunction(declaration) || t.isTSDeclareMethod(declaration) ) {
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babel.traverse(ast, { enter: function (path) { var _a; // alias or interface (e.g. type Props = { } or interface Props {} ) if (types.isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(path.node) || types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration(path.node)) { json.types = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], ((_a = json.types) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []), true), [(0, generator_1.default)(path.node).code], false); path.skip(); } else if (types.isTSTypeAnnotation(path.node)) {
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Ai Example
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const t = require("@babel/types"); const { parse } = require("@babel/parser"); const code = ` interface Person { name: string; age: number; } `; const ast = parse(code); const node = ast.program.body[0]; if (t.isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { console.log("This is a TypeScript interface declaration"); } else { console.log("This is not a TypeScript interface declaration"); }
In this example, we are using @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration to check whether an AST node represents a TypeScript interface declaration. We first define a string code that contains a TypeScript interface declaration for a Person object. We then parse the code into an AST using @babel/parser, and access the first node of the program body, which should represent the Person interface declaration. We then use @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration to check whether the node is a TypeScript interface declaration. We pass the node as an argument to the function, and use an if statement to log a message to the console depending on the result of the function. Note that @babel/types.isTSInterfaceDeclaration is just one of many utility functions available in the @babel/types library for working with AST nodes in JavaScript.
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