How to use the logicalExpression function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.logicalExpression code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/types.logicalExpression represents a logical expression node in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
GitHub: yandex/reselector
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
} const currId = t.identifier(CURR_ID) const COND = ARG ? t.logicalExpression('&&', t.identifier(ARG), currId) : currId return expressions.concat({ ID: t.StringLiteral(id),
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) ) ) ]), t.ifStatement( // IfStatement t.logicalExpression( "&&", t.identifier('response'), t.binaryExpression( "===",
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How does @babel/types.logicalExpression work?
@babel/types.logicalExpression is a method in the @babel/types module that creates an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) node representing a logical expression (either && or ||) in a JavaScript code block, with a left-hand and right-hand side argument. It takes three arguments: the operator (&& or ||), the left-hand side argument, and the right-hand side argument. It then returns an AST node representing the logical expression.
GitHub: N0taN3rd/Emu
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) ) } static htmlElementOverrideGauard (name) { return btypes.logicalExpression( '&&', EH.memberExpression(Names.windowName, name), EH.windowXprototype(name) )
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types.identifier('base'), types.stringLiteral('') ) ]), types.ifStatement( types.logicalExpression( '&&', types.binaryExpression( '===', types.memberExpression(
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Ai Example
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const t = require("@babel/types"); const a = t.identifier("a"); const b = t.identifier("b"); const node = t.logicalExpression("&&", a, b);
In this example, t is imported from @babel/types. We create two identifier nodes with the names a and b, and then create a logical expression node that represents the logical AND operation between a and b using the t.logicalExpression function. The resulting node is assigned to the node variable.
GitHub: iammadanlal/next-blog
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var concat = function concat(a, b) { return t.binaryExpression('+', a, b); }; var and = function and(a, b) { return t.logicalExpression('&&', a, b); }; var or = function or(a, b) { return t.logicalExpression('||', a, b);
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if (ifConditions) { // <div v-if="show"/> -> {show && <div/>} | {show ? foo : bar} | {(() => {if (show) return foo})()} if (ifConditions.length === 1) { wrappedElement = t.jSXExpressionContainer( t.logicalExpression("&&", t.identifier(ifConditions[0].exp), element) ); } else if (ifConditions.length === 2) { const { block: elseBlock } = ifConditions[1]; const elseElement = initTemplate(elseBlock, null, attrsCollector);
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GitHub: dcloudio/uni-app
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}) test = test.elements[0] if (path.key === 'alternate') { test = t.unaryExpression('!', test) } tests = tests ? t.logicalExpression('&&', test, tests) : test } path = path.parentPath } }
@babel/types.identifier is the most popular function in @babel/types (20936 examples)