How to use bindings.closeWallet:
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return cb.promise } indy.closeWallet = function closeWallet (wh, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb) capi.closeWallet(wh, cb) return cb.promise } indy.deleteWallet = function deleteWallet (config, credentials, cb) {
How to use bindings.UServerWrap:
GitHub: jhs67/usocket
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if (typeof cb === 'function') this.once('listening', cb); debug("creating UServerWrap"); this._wrap = new uwrap.UServerWrap(this._wrapEvent.bind(this)); debug("start UServerWrap#listen"); this._wrap.listen(path, backlog); };
How to use bindings.RSA_PKCS1_SALT_LEN_RECOVER:
GitHub: AbdulHanan366/test_solana
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How to use bindings.takeScreenshot:
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// Use screen dimensions if not resolved if (!width) width = screenWidth; if (!height) height = screenHeight; const result = addon.takeScreenshot(encoder, filenameAbsolute, quality, width, height); if (result !== 0) { throw(new Error(errorCodes.get(result) || unknownError)); } return {
How to use bindings.refreshPoolLedger:
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return cb.promise } indy.refreshPoolLedger = function refreshPoolLedger (handle, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb) capi.refreshPoolLedger(handle, cb) return cb.promise } indy.listPools = function listPools (cb) {
How to use bindings.InputStream:
GitHub: martinblech/rtaudio
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return addon.getDevices(); }; exports.InputStream = class InputStream { constructor(options) { this._wrapped = new addon.InputStream(options || {}); } start() { return this._wrapped.start();
How to use bindings.multiSignRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.multiSignRequest = function multiSignRequest (wh, submitterDid, request, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.multiSignRequest(wh, submitterDid, toJson(request), cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetDdoRequest = function buildGetDdoRequest (submitterDid, targetDid, cb) {
How to use bindings.importWallet:
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return cb.promise } indy.importWallet = function importWallet (config, credentials, importConfig, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb) capi.importWallet(toJson(config), toJson(credentials), toJson(importConfig), cb) return cb.promise } indy.closeWallet = function closeWallet (wh, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildVerifyPaymentReq:
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indy.buildVerifyPaymentReq = function buildVerifyPaymentReq (wh, submitterDid, receipt, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, function (data) { return [fromJson(data[0]), data[1]] }) capi.buildVerifyPaymentReq(wh, submitterDid, receipt, cb) return cb.promise } indy.parseVerifyPaymentResponse = function parseVerifyPaymentResponse (paymentMethod, resp, cb) {
How to use bindings.getWalletRecord:
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return cb.promise } indy.getWalletRecord = function getWalletRecord (wh, type, id, options, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.getWalletRecord(wh, type, id, toJson(options), cb) return cb.promise } indy.openWalletSearch = function openWalletSearch (wh, type, query, options, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildSchemaRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildSchemaRequest = function buildSchemaRequest (submitterDid, data, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildSchemaRequest(submitterDid, toJson(data), cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetSchemaRequest = function buildGetSchemaRequest (submitterDid, id, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildRevocRegEntryRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildRevocRegEntryRequest = function buildRevocRegEntryRequest (submitterDid, revocRegDefId, revDefType, value, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildRevocRegEntryRequest(submitterDid, revocRegDefId, revDefType, toJson(value), cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetRevocRegRequest = function buildGetRevocRegRequest (submitterDid, revocRegDefId, timestamp, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildRevocRegDefRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildRevocRegDefRequest = function buildRevocRegDefRequest (submitterDid, data, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildRevocRegDefRequest(submitterDid, toJson(data), cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetRevocRegDefRequest = function buildGetRevocRegDefRequest (submitterDid, id, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildPoolRestartRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildPoolRestartRequest = function buildPoolRestartRequest (submitterDid, action, datetime, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildPoolRestartRequest(submitterDid, action, datetime, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildPoolUpgradeRequest = function buildPoolUpgradeRequest (submitterDid, name, version, action, sha256, timeout, schedule, justification, reinstall, force, package_, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildNymRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildNymRequest = function buildNymRequest (submitterDid, targetDid, verkey, alias, role, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildNymRequest(submitterDid, targetDid, verkey, alias, role, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildAttribRequest = function buildAttribRequest (submitterDid, targetDid, hash, raw, enc, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildMintReq:
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indy.buildMintReq = function buildMintReq (wh, submitterDid, outputs, extra, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, function (data) { return [fromJson(data[0]), data[1]] }) capi.buildMintReq(wh, submitterDid, toJson(outputs), extra, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildSetTxnFeesReq = function buildSetTxnFeesReq (wh, submitterDid, paymentMethod, fees, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetTxnRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildGetTxnRequest = function buildGetTxnRequest (submitterDid, ledgerType, data, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildGetTxnRequest(submitterDid, ledgerType, data, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildPoolConfigRequest = function buildPoolConfigRequest (submitterDid, writes, force, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetSchemaRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildGetSchemaRequest = function buildGetSchemaRequest (submitterDid, id, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildGetSchemaRequest(submitterDid, id, cb) return cb.promise } indy.parseGetSchemaResponse = function parseGetSchemaResponse (getSchemaResponse, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest = function buildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest (submitterDid, revocRegDefId, from, to, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest(submitterDid, revocRegDefId, from, to, cb) return cb.promise } indy.parseGetRevocRegDeltaResponse = function parseGetRevocRegDeltaResponse (getRevocRegDeltaResponse, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildSetTxnFeesReq:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildSetTxnFeesReq = function buildSetTxnFeesReq (wh, submitterDid, paymentMethod, fees, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildSetTxnFeesReq(wh, submitterDid, paymentMethod, toJson(fees), cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetTxnFeesReq = function buildGetTxnFeesReq (wh, submitterDid, paymentMethod, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetPaymentSourcesRequest:
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indy.buildGetPaymentSourcesRequest = function buildGetPaymentSourcesRequest (wh, submitterDid, paymentAddress, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, function (data) { return [fromJson(data[0]), data[1]] }) capi.buildGetPaymentSourcesRequest(wh, submitterDid, paymentAddress, cb) return cb.promise } indy.parseGetPaymentSourcesResponse = function parseGetPaymentSourcesResponse (paymentMethod, resp, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetCredDefRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildGetCredDefRequest = function buildGetCredDefRequest (submitterDid, id, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildGetCredDefRequest(submitterDid, id, cb) return cb.promise } indy.parseGetCredDefResponse = function parseGetCredDefResponse (getCredDefResponse, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildPoolUpgradeRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildPoolUpgradeRequest = function buildPoolUpgradeRequest (submitterDid, name, version, action, sha256, timeout, schedule, justification, reinstall, force, package_, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildPoolUpgradeRequest(submitterDid, name, version, action, sha256, timeout, schedule, justification, reinstall, force, package_, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildRevocRegDefRequest = function buildRevocRegDefRequest (submitterDid, data, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetAttribRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildGetAttribRequest = function buildGetAttribRequest (submitterDid, targetDid, hash, raw, enc, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildGetAttribRequest(submitterDid, targetDid, hash, raw, enc, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetNymRequest = function buildGetNymRequest (submitterDid, targetDid, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildPoolConfigRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildPoolConfigRequest = function buildPoolConfigRequest (submitterDid, writes, force, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildPoolConfigRequest(submitterDid, writes, force, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildPoolRestartRequest = function buildPoolRestartRequest (submitterDid, action, datetime, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildPaymentReq:
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indy.buildPaymentReq = function buildPaymentReq (wh, submitterDid, inputs, outputs, extra, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, function (data) { return [fromJson(data[0]), data[1]] }) capi.buildPaymentReq(wh, submitterDid, toJson(inputs), toJson(outputs), extra, cb) return cb.promise } indy.parsePaymentResponse = function parsePaymentResponse (paymentMethod, resp, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildNodeRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildNodeRequest = function buildNodeRequest (submitterDid, targetDid, data, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildNodeRequest(submitterDid, targetDid, toJson(data), cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetValidatorInfoRequest = function buildGetValidatorInfoRequest (submitterDid, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetValidatorInfoRequest:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildGetValidatorInfoRequest = function buildGetValidatorInfoRequest (submitterDid, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildGetValidatorInfoRequest(submitterDid, cb) return cb.promise } indy.buildGetTxnRequest = function buildGetTxnRequest (submitterDid, ledgerType, data, cb) {
How to use bindings.buildGetTxnFeesReq:
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return cb.promise } indy.buildGetTxnFeesReq = function buildGetTxnFeesReq (wh, submitterDid, paymentMethod, cb) { cb = wrapIndyCallback(cb, fromJson) capi.buildGetTxnFeesReq(wh, submitterDid, paymentMethod, cb) return cb.promise } indy.parseGetTxnFeesResponse = function parseGetTxnFeesResponse (paymentMethod, resp, cb) {