How to use the objectTypeAnnotation function from @babel/types
Find comprehensive JavaScript @babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
@babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation is a tool used in JavaScript for creating an object type annotation node in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of JavaScript code.
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const name = `I${bigCamelCase( definition.tableName, )}`; const attribute = ast.program.body[1]; = t.identifier(`${name}Attributes`); attribute.declaration.body = t.objectTypeAnnotation(, (field, key) => { const type = getObjectTypeAnnotation(field.type); return Object.assign( t.objectTypeProperty(t.identifier(key), type),
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const fields = Object.keys(object.fields) .map((fieldName) => this.buildField(object.fields[fieldName])) const ast = bt.declareTypeAlias( bt.identifier(, undefined, bt.objectTypeAnnotation(fields), ) ast.leadingComments = this.buildComments(object.description || '', object.links)
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How does @babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation work?
@babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation is a function provided by the @babel/types library that is used in JavaScript for creating an object type annotation node in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of JavaScript code. To use @babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation, developers first import the function from the @babel/types library. They can then call the function with one argument: an array of AST nodes representing the properties of the object type. Each property in the object type is represented as an AST node, which can be created using other functions in the @babel/types library. The @babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation function then combines these nodes into a single object type annotation node that can be included in an AST representation of JavaScript code. The @babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation function also supports additional options that can be passed as a second argument, such as specifying whether the object type is exact or allowing additional properties that are not specified in the object type. @babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation is a useful tool for manipulating and generating AST nodes for JavaScript code. It is often used as part of a larger process for transforming or analyzing JavaScript code programmatically.
GitHub: jaredly/graphql-flow
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}).filter(Boolean) }; const unionToFlow = (type, selections) => { // const type = typesByName[typeName] return t.objectTypeAnnotation( [].concat( => { if (selection.kind === 'Field' && === '__typename') { return [t.objectTypeProperty(t.identifier(, t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier('string')))] }
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GitHub: deecewan/jsroutes-types
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const stringableId = t.identifier('Stringable'); const stringableType = t.interfaceDeclaration( stringableId, null, [], t.objectTypeAnnotation([ t.objectTypeProperty( t.identifier('toString'), t.functionTypeAnnotation(null, [], null, t.stringTypeAnnotation()), ),
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Ai Example
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const t = require("@babel/types"); const property1 = t.objectTypeProperty( t.identifier("name"), t.stringTypeAnnotation() ); const property2 = t.objectTypeProperty( t.identifier("age"), t.numberTypeAnnotation() ); const objectTypeAnnotation = t.objectTypeAnnotation([property1, property2]); console.log(objectTypeAnnotation);
In this example, we first import the t object from the @babel/types library. We then create two AST nodes representing properties of an object type using the t.objectTypeProperty function. The first property is named "name" and has a type annotation of string, while the second property is named "age" and has a type annotation of number. We then pass these two property nodes as an array to the t.objectTypeAnnotation function, which creates an object type annotation node representing an object with the properties "name" and "age". We store the resulting object type annotation node in a variable called objectTypeAnnotation, and log it to the console using console.log(objectTypeAnnotation). When this code runs, it will create an object type annotation node representing an object with the properties "name" and "age", and log the resulting node to the console. This demonstrates how @babel/types.objectTypeAnnotation can be used to create an object type annotation node in an AST representation of JavaScript code.
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if (!(field.type instanceof GraphQLNonNull)) { property.optional = true; } return property; }); state.generatedInputObjectTypes[typeIdentifier] = t.objectTypeAnnotation( props, ); return t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(typeIdentifier)); } else {
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t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(refTypeName)), ), ); } return unmasked ? t.objectTypeAnnotation(props) : exactObjectTypeAnnotation(props); }), ); }
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* |} */ function exactObjectTypeAnnotation( props: $ReadOnlyArray<BabelAST>, ): $FlowFixMe { const typeAnnotation = t.objectTypeAnnotation(props); typeAnnotation.exact = true; return typeAnnotation; }
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return unionTypeAnnotation( (props) { if (fragmentTypeName) { props.push(readOnlyObjectTypeProperty('$refType', t.genericTypeAnnotation(t.identifier(fragmentTypeName)))); } return unmasked ? t.objectTypeAnnotation(props) : exactObjectTypeAnnotation(props); })); } function mergeSelection(a, b) {
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* } */ function implicitInexactObjectTypeAnnotation( props: $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>, ): $FlowFixMe { return t.objectTypeAnnotation(props); } let inexactObjectTypeAnnotation = explicitInexactObjectTypeAnnotation; function generate(
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@babel/types.identifier is the most popular function in @babel/types (20936 examples)